Magery Spells |
First Circle – Mana cost 4; Delay 0.50 seconds |
Clumsy (Uus Jux)
Blood Moss, Nightshade |
Decreases target’s dexterity ((8 + (Evaluate Intelligence)/10 – (Resist)/10). |
Create Food (In Mani Ylem)
Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root |
Mostly used to maintain pet loyalty when the mage has no appropriate food to hand |
Feeblemind (Rel Wis)
Ginseng, Nightshade |
Decreases target’s intelligence ((8 + (Evaluate Intelligence)/10 – (Resist)/10). |
Heal (In Mani)
Garlic, Ginseng, Spider’s Silk |
Heals ((Magery / 10) + (1 to 3)) damage. Fastest way to heal for a mage. More reliable when greater heal may be interrupted. Provides a 50% bonus when healing others. |
Magic Arrow (In Por Ylem)
Sulfurous Ash |
Causes up to 14 to 18 Fire damage on a character with no resists. Damage determined by caster’s Evaluate Intelligence and Inscription skill.
Rapid repetition of the spell, or combination of it with nether bolt, on a single target will cause no damage beyond the initial hit. |
Nightsight (In Lor)
Sulfurous Ash, Spider’s Silk |
Gives light until dawn. Target must have at least 10 points of magery skill for spell to be effective, higher skill gives brighter light. |
Reactive Armor (Flam Sanct)
Garlic, Sulfurous Ash, Spider’s Silk |
Increases caster’s Physical Resistance by ((Inscription / 20) + 15) points, and decreases caster’s Fire, Cold, Energy and Poison Resistance by 5 points each. Cancelled by the character’s death, otherwise lasts until cast again |
Weaken (Des Mani)
Garlic, Nightshade |
Decreases target’s strength ((8+ (Evaluate Intelligence)/10 – (Resist)/10). |
Second Circle – Mana cost 6; Delay 0.75 seconds |
Agility (Ex Uus)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root |
Increases dexterity points and stamina cap by ((Evaluate/10) +1)%. |
Cunning (Uus Wis)
Nightshade, Mandrake Root |
Increases intelligence points and mana cap by ((Evaluate/10) +1)%. Can also increases mana regeneration speed. |
Cure (An Nox)
Garlic, Ginseng |
Cures poison Can cure lethal poison (level 5) at higher levels, success determined by the following formula:
% Chance to cure: (Magery * 0,75) + (110 – (Poison level * 33)) |
Harm (An Mani)
Nightshade, Spider’s Silk |
A distance based, cold damage spell. Damage is based on Eval Int and Inscription Distance at GM level:
0-1 tiles: 23-29 points
2 tiles: 50% damage
3-10 tiles: 25% damage. |
Magic Trap (In Jux)
Garlic, Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash |
Seldom used |
Remove Trap (An Jux)
Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash |
Remove the trap from an object that has been trapped with the Magic Trap spell, or low level town or treasure chests. Often used to remove a trap set by a low level tinker to create a paralyse breaking box. |
Protection (Uus Sanct)
Garlic, Ginseng, Sulfurous Ash |
Allows you to cast spells without being interrupted. Lowers physical resistance, resist magic skill and spell casting speed cap (by 2). However casting speed will not go below 0. Lasts until cast again or broken by death. |
Strength (Us Mani)
Mandrake Root, Nightshade |
Increases strength points and hit points cap by ((Evaluate/10) +1)%. Also increases weapon damage. |
Third Circle – Mana cost 9; Delay 1.00 seconds |
Bless (Rel Sanct)
Garlic, Mandrake Root |
Combines the spells Agility, Cunning and Strength into one spell. Counteracts the stat part of the Curse spell. |
Fireball (Vas Flam)
Black Pearl |
A quick Fire damage spell that can do up to 26-31 damage. Damage depends on the Eval Int and Inscription skill. |
Magic Lock (An Por)
Blood Moss, Garlic, Sulfurous Ash |
Magically locks a chest. |
Poison (In Nox)
Nightshade |
Poisons your target, prevents bandages from healing damage, heal spells will also not work. Can be fully resisted at high resist magic levels. Does damage depending on the formula ((Magery + Poisoning) / 2):
Less than 65.1 : Level 1 poison
65.1 to 85 : Level 2 poison
85.1 to 99.9 : Level 3 poison
100 and higher : Level 4 poisoning.
Players with greater than GM Poisoning and GM Magery have a 10% chance to inflict lethal poison at distance of less than 3 tiles. Poison strength reduces with range. Can be resisted |
Telekinesis (Ort Por Ylem)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root |
Allows you to open/manipulate objects from a distance. Will ‘shake’ a trapped chest, springing a trap (except on Siege Perilous or Mugen) or open an unlocked door. |
Teleport (Rel Por)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root |
Allows you to teleport to a seen location up to 11 tiles away. Good for getting out of block-ins, also forces monsters to re-target you in battle. |
Unlock (Ex Por)
Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash |
Good for characters without lock picking for unlocking magic locked or level 1, 2 or 3 treasure chests. Success on treasure chests depends on the magery skill. Is also the counter for the ‘Magic Lock’ spell. |
Wall of Stone (In Sanct Ylem)
Blood Moss, Garlic |
Good for blocking in opponents. Often used to signal the start of a duel. Lasts for 10 seconds. |
Fourth Circle – Mana cost 11; Delay 1.25 seconds |
Archcure (Vas An Nox)
Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root |
Cures poison with a greater success than the normal cure spell. At GM level Magery there is a 87% chance of success against level 5 poison. Cures all friendly targets that are within 2 tiles of the target. Casts at the same speed as a 3rd circle spell. |
Archprotection (Vas Uus Sanct)
Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash |
Casts the Protection spell on all party members (including self) that are up to 3 tiles away. Seldom used |
Curse (Des Sanct)
Garlic, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash |
Reduces a player’s maximum elemental resistances by 10% (but only when cast by another player), as well as act like Clumsy, Feeble mind and Weaken all in one. Can be resisted |
Fire Field (In Flam Grav)
Black Pearl, Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash |
Does 2 points damage per second, but it is very hard to find anything that will stay in one. Spell casting monsters will dispel these.
Lasts for (4 + (Magery / 2)) seconds. |
Greater Heal (In Vas Mani)
Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk |
One of the most used spells; it heals (Magery * 0.4) + (1 to 10) points of damage. |
Lightning (Por Ort Grav)
Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash |
Instantly makes a lightning bolt hit your target for max 30 to 34 points of Energy damage. Damage level depends on Eval Int and Inscription skill. |
Mana Drain (Ort Rel)
Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk |
Decreases target’s mana level by (40 + caster Eval Int – target Resist Magic) points for a period of 4 seconds. Can be resisted |
Recall (Kal Ort Por)
Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root |
Allows instant transport to a specific place by targeting a marked rune in your back pack or in a runebook |
Fifth Circle – Mana cost 14; Delay 1.50 seconds * |
Blade Spirits (In Jux Hur Ylem)
Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Nightshade |
*Mana cost 18; Additional delay 6 seconds.
Summons Blade Spirits that will attack anything in a 6 tile radius. It targets nearby creatures with high Strength and/or Tactics first. Does up to 15 points of damage per hit. Duration 120 seconds. Can be dispelled. |
Dispel Field (An Grav)
Black Pearl, Garlic, Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash |
Dispels one tile of a field spell or a gate from a cast gate travel spell |
Incognito (Kal In Ex)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash |
Temporarily changes your name and appearance (not your clothes). Used mostly for training or for role play purposes. Lasts for (Magery * 1.2) seconds Can cause problems with desktop and macros if character is logged out while this spell is in effect. |
Magic Reflection (In Jux Sanct)
Garlic, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk |
Decreases caster’s Physical Resistance by (25 – (Inscription / 20)) points, increases caster’s Fire, Cold, Energy and Poison Resistance by 10 points each. Almost opposite of Reactive Armor spell.
Grants a Pool of Reflection power based off Magery, Inscription & Magic Resistance.
Spells will be reflected back to the caster until the pool is depleted. High level spells may break the reflect. There is a 30 second delay before the spell can be re-cast to replenish the pool. |
Mind Blast (Por Corp Wis)
Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash |
Makes a mind blast hit your target for max 40 to 42 points of Cold damage. Damage level depends on Magery and Intelligence. Has a small delay. |
Paralyze (An Ex Por)
Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spider’s Silk |
Paralyze can be resisted by a character with high Magic Resist skill and is broken by taking any kind of damage. The paralyzation lasts for ((caster Eval Int/10) – ((target Resist Magic/10)) * 3 seconds or until broken by damage done to target. Cannot be cast on a target that is already frozen. |
Poison Field (In Nox Grav)
Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spider’s Silk |
Creates a wall of poison. Damage levels are equal to those of the Poison spell. (i.e. level 4 poison for a true Nox Mage)
Lasts for (3 + (Magery * 0.4)) seconds.Players with greater than GM Poisoning and GM Magery will have a 10% chance to inflict lethal poison at distance of less than 3 tiles. Poison strength now reduces with range . |
Summon Creature (Kal Xen)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk |
*Mana cost 18; Additional delay 6 seconds.
Summons a low level creature to assist you. Can be used as sparring partner for low-level characters or as a decoy. Lasts for (Magery * 4) seconds, up to 480. |
Sixth Circle – Mana cost 20; Delay 1.75 seconds |
Dispel (An Ort)
Garlic, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash |
Dispels a summoned creature. Can be resisted. |
Energy Bolt (Corp Por)
Black Pearl, Nightshade |
Makes an energy bolt hit your target for max 51 to 56 points of Energy damage. Damage level depends on Eval Int and Inscription. |
Explosion (Vas Ort Flam)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root |
After an initial delay of 2 seconds; Makes an explosion hit your target for max 51 to 56 points of Fire damage. Damage level depends on Eval Int and Inscription. |
Invisibility (An Lor Xen)
Blood Moss, Nightshade |
Hides you from sight for a short while. Lasts for (Magery * 1.2) seconds. |
Mark (Kal Por Ylem)
Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root |
Enables you to mark a rune at a specific area that you can later recall or gate to. Not all areas in the game allow you to mark a rune. |
Mass Curse (Vas Des Sanct)
Garlic, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash |
Casts Curse on all creatures within a 3 tile radius, decreasing strength, dexterity, and intelligence by a percentage (caster’s Magery / 10 + 1), but does not lower player maximum resistances. Will damage hidden players |
Paralyze Field (In Ex Grav)
Black Pearl, Ginseng, Spider’s Silk |
A paralyze spell in form of a field. Effectiveness is determined by the targets’ resisting spells. |
Reveal (Wis Quas)
Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash |
Reveals a hidden player or mob
Reveal will always reveal players hidden by the Invisibility spell, but against players using the Hiding skill it will check the target’s Hiding and Stealth skills against your Magery and Detect Hidden Skills. |
Seventh Circle – Mana cost 40; Delay 2.00 seconds |
Chain Lightning (Vas Ort Grav)
Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash |
Hits multiple targets within 2 tiles of the primary target with a lightning bolt for max 64 to 69 total Energy damage. If you hit more than one target, the damage amount is doubled and then divided amongst each target evenly. Damages hidden targets Damage level depends on Eval Int and Inscription. |
Energy Field (In Sanct Grav)
Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash |
A wall of energy used mostly to block narrow entrance/exit points. Lasts for (2 + (Magery * 0.28)) seconds. |
Flamestrike (Kal Vas Flam)
Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash |
Hits the target with a huge burst of flames that does max 64 to 69 Fire damage. Damage level depends on Eval Int and Inscription. |
Gate Travel (Vas Rel Por)
Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash |
Opens a moon gate to a specific marked location. Useful for transporting an entire group of people or an unbonded unrideable pet. Some areas of the map cannot be gated to.
Lasts for 30 seconds |
Mana Vampire (Ort Sanct)
Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk |
This spell drains your opponents mana and adds it to your own. The amount transferred is equal to (caster Eval Int – target Resist Magic). You can not drain more mana than your victim has left, and you cannot raise your own mana over your mana cap. Can be resisted |
Mass Dispel (Vas An Ort)
Black Pearl. Garlic, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash |
Dispels multiple summoned creatures, harder to resist than the single dispel spell. |
Meteor Swarm (Kal Des Flam Ylem)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash |
Hits multiple targets within 2 tiles of the primary target with meteors for max 64 to 69 total Fire damage. If you hit more than one target, the damage amount is doubled and then divided amongst each target evenly. Damages hidden targets. Damage level depends on Eval Int and Inscription. |
Polymorph (Vas Ylem Rel)
Blood Moss,Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk |
Allows you to become a number of creatures. While often used merely for amusement it serves a real purpose at Vermin Horde spawns where it can prevent The Piper from casting his polymorph spell on you and turning you into a rat.
Lasts until recast or broken by death. |
Eighth Circle – Mana cost 50; Delay 2.25 seconds |
Earthquake (In Vas Por)
Blood Moss, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash |
A percentage damage-based attack that does approximately 33% Physical damage (min 10, max 100) against total hit points. Can hit multiple targets within its effective radius, with no limit, including hidden targets, as long as the targets are in sight of the caster. Cannot damage targets with no line of sight. |
Energy Vortex (Vas Corp Por)
Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Nightshade |
Summons an Energy Vortex that will attack anything in a 6 tile radius. It targets nearby creatures with high Magery and/or Intelligence first. Does up to 26 points of damage per hit. Can be dispelled.
Takes 2 pet control slots. Lasts for 90 seconds. |
Resurrection (An Corp)
Blood Moss, Garlic, Ginseng |
Restores a ghost to life. Caster must be within one tile of the target |
Summon Air Elemental (Kal Vas Xen Hur)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk |
Summons an air elemental to fight for you. The Air Elemental will focus on casting spells rather than melee. Takes 2 pet control slots.
Lasts for (Magery * 4) seconds. |
Summon Daemon (Kal Vas Xen Corp)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash |
Summoned daemons combine powerful melee attacks with 7th circle magic. Takes 4 pet control slots. Caster loses a large amount of karma.
Lasts for (Magery * 4) seconds. |
Summon Earth Elemental (Kal Vas Xen Ylem)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk |
Summons an earth elemental. No magic, but a strong melee attacks. Takes 2 pet control slots.
Lasts for (Magery * 4) seconds. |
Summon Fire Elemental (Kal Vas Xen Flam)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk, Sulfurous Ash |
More powerful than the Air and Water Elementals in both melee and magery. Takes 4 pet control slots.
Lasts for (Magery * 4) seconds. |
Summon Water Elemental (Kal Vas Xen An Flam)
Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spider’s Silk |
Combines the skills of Air and Earth elementals for both melee and magery attack. Takes 3 pet control slots.
Lasts for (Magery * 4) seconds. |