Target Injured Friendly – by Khyro

Wiki > Ultima Online Wiki > Technical > Enhanced Client Custom User Interface > Target Injured Friendly - by Khyro

Edit your Actions.lua file, and add the following to the file (can be anywhere, bottom is fine):

function Actions.InjuredFriendly()
	local lowerId = 0
	local lowerHP = -1
	for i = 1, table.getn(MobilesOnScreen.MobilesSort) do
		local mobileId = MobilesOnScreen.MobilesSort[i]
		local data = WindowData.MobileName[mobileId]
		local noto = data.Notoriety+1
		if (Actions.TargetAllowed(mobileId) and not IsPartyMember(mobileId) and noto == NameColor.Notoriety.INNOCENT) then
			local mobileData = Interface.GetMobileData(mobileId, true)
			if mobileData then
				local curHealth = mobileData.CurrentHealth
				if (curHealth < 25) then				
					if curHealth < lowerHP or lowerHP == -1 then
						lowerHP = curHealth
						lowerId = mobileId
	if (lowerId ~= 0) then

Then create a Macro with a command block for this:

script Actions.InjuredFriendly()

This will target the most critically injured blue mobile near you that isn’t in your party. It scans the blue mobiles bars, so they must be enabled.

You can add this to the targeting action window as well if you want so you don’t have to use a Command block each time.

Edit ActionsWindow.lua

Go to line 274 and after “ActionsWindow.ActionData[5207]” add the following line:

ActionsWindow.ActionData[5208] = { type=SystemData.UserAction.TYPE_SPEECH_USER_COMMAND,			inActionWindow=true, iconId=865002, detailString=L"Targest Lowest Health Friendly", nameString=L"Target Injured Friendly", callback=L"script Actions.InjuredFriendly()" }

Then go down to what should now be line 441, which has “ActionsWindow.Groups[6]”, and in the number index on that line, add 5208 to the list:

ActionsWindow.Groups[6]  = { nameString=L"Targeting",				nameTid=1079383, index={ 55, 22, 71, 77, 23, 72, 78, 24, 73, 79, 69, 74, 80, 70, 75, 81, 25, 76, 82, 11, 5200, 5201, 5202, 5203, 5204, 5205, 5206, 5207, 5208 } }

This should put this new targeting action in the Actions list under Targeting

To add this to your ui you will need to add a folder ‘source’ and put the changed .lua files in it.

Directory Structure


or …\UserInterface\my-ui