Publish 20 Updates & Bug Fixes
UO Team 17 Sep 2003 00:00:00 EST
Publish 20 is fast approaching, and with it comes several collections of game updates and bug-fixes. This article contains a summary of the upcoming game improvements.
(Red-colored listings indicate updates from September 17, 2003.)
- Vendor Improvements: There are a number of changes in the works for the player-vendor system, and with these changes we hope to accomplish two primary goals: 1) improve vendor functionality and allow players better control over their vendors; and 2) maintain the number of vended objects in the world at reasonable levels.
- House Runestones: In order to facilitate safer traveling for those visiting vendor shops, an in-house rune marking system is being developed to allow players to Recall off of hued house runestones without fear of ending up in some dangerous dungeon.
- Bulletin Boards: As part of the Vendor Improvement changes, a special message board will be available to all house owners that will allow closer communication with friends, neighbors, guildmates, customers, and even rivals.
General Updates & Bug Fixes: Like most game updates, Publish 20 consists of a number of miscellaneous updates as well. Below you’ll find a list of such updates.
- Housing, Vendors, Barkeeps
- All marked runes will now have the target facet added to their names (ex. “Sannio’s Secret Spawn [Felucca]”). All of the new house runes will have “[House]” added after the facet name (ex. “Kerowyn’s Klubhouse [Malas] [House]”).
- The house sign menu messages have been updated to accommodate the new vendor changes.
- A bug that allowed more than two barkeeps per house has been fixed.
- Corrected an incorrect message that appeared when placing an object in a locked down container while no longer in the house.
- You can now place house add-ons onto bamboo floors in customizable houses. It should also be easier to place them near staircases.
- NPC bankers, minters, and gargoyle innkeepers will now sell vendor and barkeep contracts (and the new vendor rental contracts).
- Vendors now have a single account that holds money given to them by their owner as well as funds from sales. The owner may add to this account when the vendor has less than 1,000,000 gp.
- Fixed a bug that allowed containers and books to exist in a vendor’s inventory without having a set price or vended description. (This does not include spellbooks or special containers like game boards.)
- The house moving crate will now automatically vanish when it is emptied.
- Crafting, Decorating, Items
- An incorrect response when attempting to craft cloth items while leather materials are selected has been fixed.
- A bug that allowed collecting logs from bridges and wooden floors has been fixed.
- Personal Bless Deeds can no longer be used on items that change their object type upon use, such as torches, candles, etc.
- Fire horns can no longer damage targets on the other side of doors and walls.
- An issue that was creating invisible walls (particularly on the Baja shard) has been resolved.
- Undead slayer weapons should once again spawn as loot.
- Items you are dragging will no longer fall to the ground when you die if there is room for them in your backpack.
- Adventuring, Combat, Skills
- Missing your target while attempting to tame it will now allow for an immediate re-try instead of waiting for the skill timer to expire.
- Fixed a bug that allowed looting of player corpses in certain locations of Trammel.
- War maces now have a chance to appear as magical loot.
- Characters will no longer be ejected from their boats when using Holy Light.
- Bows will no longer spawn as loot with the “Use Best Weapon Skill” property, since this property doesn’t work with bows. (Legacy bows that already have this property will be fixed in a future publish.)
- An issue that was preventing stat gains from some skills has been fixed. All skills that allowed some kind of stat gain pre-AoS should now allow you to gain in any stat.
- Factions
- It will no longer be possible to dismount a faction guard and tame his horse.
- An issue with the Minax CL being unable to set the faction’s tithe rate on Chesapeake has been resolved.
- Quests, Locations
- A bug that allowed inappropriately high Dexterity gains during the blacksmith quest has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue that allowed too many columns of flame to appear in an area near the “City of the Dead” in the Lost Lands.
- Green thorns can no longer be buried in Malas. (Solen lairs exist only in Trammel and Felucca).
- An overabundance of lanterns are no longer spawning in a new character creation area.
- Game Client
- A client-crashing bug related to moving through too many items has been fixed.
- A Night Sight issue that made the game screen go completely black has been resolved.
- An issue with the 3D client that would sometimes cause worn items to appear black has been fixed.
- [Edit: Added October 15] As of Publish 20, any newly created in-game HTML encoded text will no longer be rendered as HTML. The < and > symbols will be instead appear as ( and ), respectively.