Publish 26 17th August

Revision for “Publish 26 17th August” created on October 7, 2016 @ 13:49:09

Publish 26 17th August
<h1>Publish 26</h1> UO Team August 17, 2004 <h2>Changes and Enhancements</h2> <ul> <li>Various adjustments to monster loot such as gold and magic item intensity adjustments across the board.</li> <li>Tweaks to luck calculations.</li> <li>Increased cap of luck beyond 1200.</li> <li>Changed gargoyle gems from 4 to 1d4 per player feedback.</li> <li>Increased loot dropped by Betrayer.</li> <li>Modified Elemental loot.</li> <li>Slightly reduced red &amp; black Solen Warrior and Infiltrator loot and increased Solen Queen loot.</li> <li>Adjusted Dungeon Chest loot.</li> <li>Added metal chests to spawn on plague beasts after they’re well fed.</li> <li>Ant Lions now have a chance to spawn an adventurer’s skeleton (rogue, mage, or bard).</li> <li>Bumped up minimum intensities for treasure hunter loot to be more in line with current loot changes.</li> <li>Tweaked loot for fishing, dungeon, and treasure hunter chest loot.</li> <li>Reduced loot for nobles, rat shamans, and serpentine dragons.</li> <li>Adjusted ogre lord loot to be consistent with arctic ogre lord loot.</li> <li>Modified earth elementals to drop 1-4 fertile dirt instead of 1.</li> <li>Removed non-magical jewelry from ancient wyrms, shadow wyrms, rikktor, ice serpents, efreeti, and skeletal dragons. Added 5 random jewels to ancient wyrms.</li> <li>Doubled chance to receive a super slayer weapon or instrument.</li> <li>Added tribal, deer, bear, bandannas, and orc masks as magic loot.</li> <li>Turned on the Serpent Pillars for Test Centers only to test stability.</li> <li>Fixed Tracking issue where player characters with 0 hiding could not be tracked.</li> <li>Players will no longer appear in monster and animal tracking gumps.</li> <li>Made improvements to the firehorn.</li> <li>Added firehorn to test center bank box (should appear in same bag as spellbooks and reagents).</li> <li>Added 10 message in a bottles to test center bank box.</li> <li>Made the following creatures Bardable. <ul> <li>Orc Brute</li> <li>Golem (monster version)</li> <li>Gargoyle Destroyer</li> <li>Exodus Overseer</li> <li>Exodus Minion</li> <li>Juka Lord</li> <li>Meer Warrior</li> <li>Betrayer</li> <li>Juggernaut</li> <li>Meer Captain</li> <li>Meer Eternal</li> <li>Chaos Dragoon Lord</li> <li>Bog Thing</li> <li>Vorpal Bunny</li> <li>Whipping Vine</li> </ul> </li> <li>Vampire formed players can now mount horses.</li> <li>Fixed instant resurrection bugs with horrific beast, wraithform, and vampiric embrace.</li> <li>Fixed necromancer forms bug when changing from one form into another.</li> <li>Made changes to prevent camping in dungeons.</li> <li>Added 80.0 poisoning skill for dread spiders.</li> <li>Added succubus and Semidar to daemon slayer group.</li> </ul>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
October 7, 2016 @ 13:49:09 Mariah