Aegis of Grace
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Resisting Spells 10
Self Repair 2
Defense Chance Increase 20
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 9%
Cold Resist 7%
Poison Resist 7%
Energy Resist 15%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 |
Alchemist’s Bauble

Magery +10
Enhance Potions 30%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Poison Resist 10% |
Arctic Death Dealer

Hit Harm 33%
Hit Lower Attack 40%
Swing Speed Increase 20%
Damage Increase 40%
Cold Resist 10%
Physical Damage 50%
Cold Damage 50%
Weapon Damage 15-19
Weapon Speed 3.75
Strength Requirement 80
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Mace Fighting
Durability 255 |
Blade Dance
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Spell Channeling
Hit Mana Leech 30%
Mana Increase 8
Damage Increase 30%
Use Best Weapon Skill
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 14-17
Weapon Speed 3
Strength Requirement 30
Two-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Swordsmanship
Durability 255 |
Blaze Of Death

Hit Fireball 50%
Hit Fire Area 50%
Swing Speed Increase 25%
Damage Increase 35%
Fire Resist 10%
Lower Requirements 100%
Physical Damage 50%
Fire Damage 50%
Weapon Damage 18-21
Weapon Speed 4
Two-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Swordsmanship
Durability 255 |
Bloodwood Spirit
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Necromancy +5
Spirit Speak +10
Random Protection |
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Mace Fighting +10
Self Repair 2
Hit Stamina Leech 40%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 13-17
Weapon Speed 3.25
Strength Requirement 35
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Mace Fighting
Durability 255 |
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Spell Channeling
Mana Regeneration 3
Faster Casting 1
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Weapon Damage 10-13
Weapon Speed 2.25
Strength Requirement 15
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Mace Fighting
Durability 255 |
Bow Of The Juka King
(Paragon Only)
Reptile Slayer
Hit Magic Arrow 25%
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Damage Increase 40%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 17-21
Weapon Speed 4.25
Range 10
Strength Requirement 30
Two-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Archery
Durability 255 |
Brightsight Lenses
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Self Repair 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Night Sight
Physical Resist 9%
Fire Resist 29%
Cold Resist 7%
Poison Resist 8%
Energy Resist 7%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability 255 |
Burglar’s Bandana

Snooping +10
Stealing +10
Stealth +10
Dexterity Bonus 5
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 7%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 |
Candelabra of Souls
(Treasure and Leviathan Only) |
Captain Quacklebush’s Cutlass
(Leviathan Only)
Dexterity Bonus 5
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Swing Speed Increase 20%
Damage Increase 50%
Use Best Weapon Skill
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 10-14
Weapon Speed 2.5
Strength Requirement 25
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Swordsmanship
Durability 255 |
Cavorting Club

Self Repair 3
Swing Speed Increase 35%
Damage Increase 35%
Fire Resist 8%
Cold Resist 8%
Poison Resist 8%
Energy Resist 8%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 10-14
Weapon Speed 2.5
Strength Requirement 40
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Mace Fighting
Durability 255 |
Cold Blood
(Treasure Only)
Hit Point Increase 6
Stamina Increase 6
Mana Increase 6
Swing Speed Increase 40%
Cold Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 10-14
Weapon Speed 2.5
Strength Requirement 10
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Swordsmanship
Durability 255 |
Dread Pirate Hat
(Treasure and Leviathan Only)
Random Combat Skill +10
Dexterity Bonus 8
Night Sight
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 14%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 5%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 |
Enchanted Titan Leg Bone

Hit Lightning 40%
Hit Lower Defense 40%
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Damage Increase 20%
Physical Resist 10%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 10-13
Weapon Speed 2
Strength Requirement 40
Two-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Fencing
Durability 255 |
Fey Leggings

(Elves only – Human version, rare drop on Peerless Champions;
A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Hit Point Increase 6
Defense Chance Increase 20%
Physical Resist 12%
Fire Resist 8%
Cold Resist 7%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 19%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 60
Durability 255 |
Flesh Ripper
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Strength Bonus 5
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Swing Speed Increase 40%
Use Best Weapon Skill
Physical Damage 100%
Skill Bonus Anatomy +10
Slayer Mage
Weapon Damage 10-12
Weapon Speed 2
Strength Requirement 15
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Fencing
Durability 255 |
Ghost Ship Anchor
(Leviathan Only) |
Gloves Of The Pugilist
(Paragon Only)
Wrestling +10
Dexterity Bonus 8
Damage Increase 15%
Physical Resist 18%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 |
Gold Bricks |
Gwenno’s Harp

Uses: 1600
Repond Slayer
Reptile Slayer |
Heart Of The Lion
(Paragon and Treasure Only)
Luck 95
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Lower Requirements 100%
Mage Armor
Durability 255 |
Helm Of Swiftness
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Intelligence Bonus 5
Faster Cast Recovery 2
Faster Casting 1
Physical Resist 6%
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 6%
Poison Resist 6%
Energy Resist 8%
Mage Armor
Strength Requirement 25
Durability 255 |
Iolo’s Lute

Uses: 1600
Demon Slayer
Undead Slayer |
Legendary Mapmaker’s Glasses
(Treasure Only, publish 105)
1 – 5 Cartography Bonus (random) |
Luna Lance

Chivalry +10
Strength Bonus 5
Swing Speed Increase 20%
Damage Increase 35%
Use Best Weapon Skill
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 18-22
Weapon Speed 4.25
Strength Requirement 95
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Fencing
Durability 255 |
Night’s Kiss

Repond Slayer
Hit Life Leech 30%
Swing Speed Increase 30%
Damage Increase 35%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 10-12
Weapon Speed 2
Strength Requirement 10
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Fencing
Durability 255 |
Nox Ranger’s Heavy Crossbow

Spell Channeling
Hit Stamina Leech 40%
Swing Speed Increase 30%
Damage Increase 20%
Poison Resist 10%
Physical Damage 50%
Poison Damage 50%
Weapon Damage 20-24
Weapon Speed 5
Range 8
Strength Requirement 80
Two-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Archery
Durability 255 |
Orcish Visage
(Paragon Only)
Self Repair 3
Strength Bonus 10
Stamina Increase 5
Physical Resist 8%
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 5%
Strength Requirement 30
Durability 255 |
Pads Of The Cu Sidhe
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Strength Requirement 10 |
Phillip’s Wooden Steed |
Pixie Swatter
(Paragon Only)
Fey Slayer
Hit Poison Area 75%
Swing Speed Increase 30%
Fire Resist 12%
Energy Resist 12%
Use Best Weapon Skill
Fire Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 14-18
Weapon Speed 3.5
Strength Requirement 40
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Mace Fighting
Durability 255 |
Polar Bear Mask

Self Repair 3
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Night Sight
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 21%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 |
Quiver Of Rage
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Physical Damage 20%
Fire Damage 20%
Cold Damage 20%
Poison Damage 20%
Energy Damage 20%
Damage Modifier 10%
Weight Reduction 25% |
Quiver Of The Elements
(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Chaos Damage 100%
Damage Modifier 10%
Weight Reduction 50% |
Raed’s Glory

(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Spell Channeling
Hit Life Leech 35%
Mana Increase 8
Swing Speed Increase 20%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 10-13
Weapon Speed 2.25
Strength Requirement 15
Two-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Fencing |
Righteous Anger

(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Defense Chance Increase 5%
Swing Speed Increase 35%
Damage Increase 40%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 13-15
Weapon Speed 2.75
Strength Requirement 20
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Swordsmanship
Durability 255 |
Robe Of The Eclipse

(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Luck 95
Strength Requirement 10 |
Robe Of The Equinox

(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Luck 95
Strength Requirement 10 |
Seahorse Statuette
(Leviathan Only) |
Shield Of Invulnerability

(Paragon Only)
Spell Channeling
Reflect Physical Damage 10%
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Physical Resist 8%
Lower Requirements 100%
Durability 255 |
Ship Model Of The H.M.S. Cape
(Treasure and Leviathan Only) |
Soul Seeker

(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Repond Slayer
Hit Stamina Leech 40%
Hit Mana Leech 30%
Hit Life Leech 30%
Swing Speed Increase 60%
Cold Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 12-14
Weapon Speed 2.5
Strength Requirement 20
One-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Swordsmanship |
Staff Of Power

(Paragon Only)
Spell Channeling
Mage Weapon -15 Skill
Spell Damage Increase 5%
Faster Cast Recovery 2
Lower Mana Cost 5%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 13-16
Weapon Speed 2.75
Strength Requirement 35
Two-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Mace Fighting
Durability 255 |
Talon Bite

(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact) |
Tactics +10
Hit Harm 33%
Dexterity Bonus 8
Swing Speed Increase 20%
Use Best Weapon Skill
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 17-20
Weapon Speed 3.75
Strength Requirement 45
Two-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Swordsmanship
Durability 255 |
The Admiral’s Hearty Rum
(Treasure and Leviathan Only) |
Totem Of The Void

(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Random Protection |
Violet Courage

Luck 95
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Physical Resist 14%
Fire Resist 12%
Cold Resist 12%
Poison Resist 8%
Energy Resist 9%
Lower Requirements 100%
Mage Armor
Durability 255 |
Wildfire Bow

(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Archery +10
Fire Damage 100%
Fire Resist 25%
Velocity 15%
Weapon Damage 15-19
Weapon Speed 3.75
Range 10
Strength Requirement 45
Two-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Archery
Durability 255 |

(A Mondains Legacy Minor Artifact)
Self Repair 3
Damage Increase 35%
Physical Damage 100%
Velocity 25%
Weapon Damage 12-16
Weapon Speed 3
Range 10
Strength Requirement 45
Weapon Skill: Archery
Durability 255 |
Wrath Of The Dryad

(Paragon Only)
Hit Lightning 33%
Hit Mana Leech 81%
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Damage Increase 40%
Poison Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 15-18
Weapon Speed 3.25
Strength Requirement 20
Two-Handed Weapon
Weapon Skill: Mace Fighting
Durability 255 |