Why can’t I cancel my account?
As you may be aware, we’ve recently made some updates and changes to our account center, so hopefully this will help assist in allowing you to cancel your account.
The first thing you will need to check when attempting to cancel an account is whether the account in question has an automatic renewal package set up. If it does, then there should be a “Cancel” button beneath the account on the left next to the “Change Password”, “Active Key” and “Subscribe” buttons.
If the account does not currently have an automatic renewal package set up, then there is nothing to be cancelled and the “Cancel Subscription” button will not appear.
Please be aware that in an effort to protect your billing information, it is quite possible that your automatic renewal package may have been cleared to avoid causing accidental charges. If this is the case, you may be required to manually re-establish any auto-renewal subscription you wish your accounts to have. Please check your account subscriptions to ensure they are to your liking.
If you have any further questions, contact a Technical or Billing support staff member.