ClassicUO Web Client

Wiki > ClassicUO Web Client

Updated October 15, 2024

Q: What is ClassicUO web client?

ClassicUO web client is a fan-made implementation of the Ultima Online client. For more information please see the player FAQ on their website (

Q: Is the ClassicUO web client unfair to players in the Classic or Enhanced Clients?

No, the UO Team has worked with the developers to restrict any features deemed unfair for use on official Ultima Online servers.

Q: Can I continue to use the Official Classic & Enhanced Client?

Yes, you may continue to use the existing official classic client and enhanced client, along with any enhanced client UIs.

Q: Can I play on UO servers with the ClassicUO web client?

Yes, you may connect to all official Ultima Online servers using the ClassicUO web client that is sanctioned for use.  No other third party clients are sanctioned for use.  Only the ClassicUO web client has been sanctioned for use on official Ultima Online servers.

Q: What do I need in order to play the ClassicUO web client?

You will need a discord login to use the ClassicUO web client.  ClassicUO web client works on any OS that supports Chrome-like browsers and a few gigabytes of free disk space to play.

ClassicUO Web Client

Q: Can I use ClasssicUO desktop client instead of the ClassicUO web client?

No, as the ClassicUO desktop client can be freely modified to bypass restrictions, making it is unsuitable for use on the official Ultima Online servers. Connecting with the ClassicUO desktop version is not sanctioned.

Q: Is it safe to enter my account login credentials into the ClassicUO web client?

Yes, it is safe to login using the ClassicUO web client.  The ClassicUO web client is a sanctioned third-party client for use on official Ultima Online servers.

Q: There is a specific feature or bug that I would like addressed in ClassicUO, who should I contact?

The development of the ClassicUO web client is handled completely by the ClassicUO development team.  You can submit a bug report to them here.

You can find additional information in the ClassicUO web client here.

Q: Are there plans to sunset the Classic or Enhanced Clients?

No.  We have no plans to discontinue support for either of these clients.