UO Herald - Hotfix

Enhanced Client Patch

2/13/2025 Greetings, A patch has been deployed to the Enhanced Client to resolve the following issues, Health bars working improperly Use of the special move Double Strike would result in a missing string message See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Shattered Sanctum Event Lag

11/20/2024 Greetings, We’ve received reports and have investigated instances of latency associated with the Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum event during peak population periods.  In an effort to address this concern we will be pushing a hotfix  beginning with North American shards during each shard’s regularly scheduled maintenance on November 21, 2024. As a result of this change non-paragon spawn will no longer leave corpses when killed during the event.  This change will not impact your ability to earn points towards a minor artifact drop or your ability to qualify for that drop when killing monsters. This is not a […]

UO Herald - Hotfix

Hotfix Deployment & Origin Server Migration

11/11/2024 Greetings, With each shard’s regularly scheduled maintenance beginning November 12, 2024 we will be deploying several hotfixes to Publish 118.1.  Please be sure to check the publish notes here. Also, over the next several months we will be migrating all shards to newer hardware with our cloud service provider. The process will continue tomorrow, November 12, 2024, with Origin.  We expect downtime to last at least 3 hours and will update this post once the migration is complete. Update 10:06 AM ET 11/12/2024 – The Origin migration is complete. See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 118.1 Hotfixes

11/7/2024 As of its regularly scheduled maintenance on November 7th, 2024 we have deployed the following hotfix to Origin only: Shadow’s Awakening The time to kill the manifestation of Evil will dynamically adjust based on how fast it is dying Treasure Hunters that help contribute to summoning the Manifestation of Evil will have a chance at a drop when they are present for the kill Shadow Hounds now have a chance to spawn from Cache, Hoard, and Trove maps in all facets Nightmares / Totem of Chromatic Fortune Players not in the same party or guild as the totem owner […]

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 117 Hotfixes to Origin

5/8/2024 Greetings, We have deployed the following hotfixes to Origin.  Character transfers will be disabled to/from Origin until all shards are published.  We will update the deployment schedule for all shards to receive these hotfixes when available. Resolved issue where hedge type could not be placed in greenhouse Resolved issue with counts of lobsters & crabs available on merchant ships Restored functionality of the Enchanted Gardening Shears Resolved server crash See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Shuriken Hotfix

4/23/2024 Fixed an issue where Shurikens and Darts could ignore the throw timer, and the item wouldn’t reset properly after being used. See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Glorious Fortune Potion Update

11/1/2023 Greetings, We’ve made a tweak to the “Glorious Fortune” potion.  Players under the effects of the “Anti-AFK” penalty, won’t be able to use this potion.  If you’ve already consumed the potion and then get the “Anti-AFK” penalty, the potion’s duration will be adjusted to ensure you get its full benefits. See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Vendor Search Database Maintenance

04/20/2022 – 04/21/2022 Update: Database maintenance is complete. Vendor Search is back online. Greetings, We will be taking Vendor Search offline to perform database maintenance this evening.  Once Vendor Search is brought back online, the vendor database will repopulate over a 24-hour period.  During this time, you will experience intermittent search failures.  Vendor owners may opt out and re-opt-in their vendors to accelerate the process, but this is not required.  We appreciate your patience. See you in Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 112 Hotfixes

4/7/2022 Greetings, The following hotfixes will be deployed with each shard’s next regularly scheduled maintenance, Non-paralithode pets in the Wreck of the Ararat will now drown and upon death will be auto-stabled Resolved issue where reapers were not casting spells   See you in Britannia, UO Team