Publish 99 Update
Origin, Izumo & Baja will be brought down by 11:00am ET on April 3, 2018 for an update to Publish 99. Please see the publish notes for the latest updates.
We anticipate Publish 99 will be going World Wide on April 5, 2018. This update will be done manually, and not during regularly scheduled maintenance. Regularly scheduled maintenance for all shards will be cancelled beginning on April 5th and will resume on April 6th. Shut messages will commence at 10:00am ET and shards will be brought down at 10:30am ET. We anticipate the downtime will last approximately 3 hours. Keep an eye on for updates on publish status.
Beginning at 10am on April 5, 2018 the Account Center will be brought down in preparation for Publish 99. The account center will return at the time Publish 99 is released world wide.
Please also note that when Publish 99 goes World Wide the rewards available from the 20th Anniversary Elemental Titan arc will no longer be available to claim.
See you in Britannia,
UO Team