The Herald

Publish 99 Update


Origin, Izumo & Baja will be brought down by 11:00am ET  on April 3, 2018 for an update to Publish 99.   Please see the publish notes for the latest updates.

We anticipate Publish 99 will be going World Wide on April 5, 2018.  This update will be done manually, and not during regularly scheduled maintenance.  Regularly scheduled maintenance for all shards will be cancelled beginning on April 5th and will resume on April 6th.  Shut messages will commence at 10:00am ET and shards will be brought down at 10:30am ET.  We anticipate the downtime will last approximately 3 hours.  Keep an eye on for updates on publish status.

Beginning at 10am on April 5, 2018 the Account Center will be brought down in preparation for Publish 99.  The account center will return at the time Publish 99 is released world wide.

Please also note that when Publish 99 goes World Wide the rewards available from the 20th Anniversary Elemental Titan arc will no longer be available to claim.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

UO Store down for Baja, Origin and Izumo

Greetings everyone,

Due to an issue with the UO Store on Baja, Origin and Izumo the store will be down until approx Tuesday April 3rd.  If we are able to get the fix for this issue out earlier we will let you know as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.



Publish 99 Comes to Origin, Izumo & Baja


We are pleased to announce Publish 99 will be deployed to Origin, Izumo, and Baja occurring after 1:00pm ET March 29, 2018.  We will be manually taking down these shards at approximately 12:30pm ET.  This release only includes the following features,

  • Towncrier update & related quests
  • Global Chat (Please note this feature will require a database update and will not be immediately available when shards are back online)
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Endless Journey access will not be available until Publish 99 is deployed world wide.

While Origin, Izumo and Baja are being updated Vendor Search, Character Transfer, and Housing will be unavailable on all shards for approximately 2 hours.  Following the release of Publish 99 to Origin, Izumo, and Baja characters will not be able to transfer to or from shards not updated to Publish 99.

The latest client patch will be mandatory, so please be sure to patch up before logging in to any shard.

You can read the full patch notes here, and we look forward to your feedback and discussion on the forums.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 99 Release 2 Comes to TC1

Greetings All,

We are pleased to announce the second TC1 release of Publish 99 will be available for testing on TC1 by 3pm ET March 14, 2018.  Publish 99 is full of new features, so make sure you patch up your client and head over to TC1 to check out the latest update which includes Endless Journey restrictions, new Ultima Store Items, and Miscellaneous Updates.  Please note that some features will not be available on TC1, check the notes for full release details.   As always, we look forward to your feedback.

Also, if you haven’t already please signup for the Ultima Online newsletter to get the latest updates!  Look for the signup on the frontpage of!  You can also view the newsletter archive here.

Please note that the latest client patch is not mandatory, so please be sure to patch your client before accessing TC or you will encounter CliLoc errors!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 99 Comes to TC1 & Forums!

Greetings All,

We are pleased to announce the first of several TC1 Publish 99 releases will be available for testing on TC1 by 2pm ET February 28, 2018.  Publish 99 is full of new features, so make sure you patch up your client and head over to TC1 to check out the latest update.  Please note that some features will not be available on TC1, check the notes for full release details.  As always, we look forward to your feedback.

Also, if you haven’t already please signup for the Ultima Online newsletter to get the latest updates!  Look for the signup on the frontpage of!  You can also view the newsletter archive here.

Finally, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new official forums!  You must have an active subscription to login to the forums, and can do so here using your Ultima Online game login credentials.

Please note that the latest client patch is mandatory, so please be sure to patch your client before accessing TC and production shards.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Valentine’s Day Comes Early

Greetings everyone,

The UO Team would like to wish each and every one of you a very Happy Valentine’s Day!  To Celebrate this year the team has left a little present in Malas at the Luna Bank.  The reward giver will be active for 5 days only so do not delay!

*bear hugs and kisses*

UO Team