The Herald

Publish 97 to Origin, Izumo, & Baja


We have published Origin, Izumo & Baja with the latest version of Publish 97 which includes the following changes.   Also visit the individual wiki pages on the Discovering Animal Training Quest, Animal Training, and Animal Training Abilities to learn more.

We want to thank everyone who took the time to test Publish 97 and send in feedback!

While this is not a mandatory patch, you are encouraged to update your client to the latest version before playing Origin, Izumo & Baja.  Character transfer on these shards will be disabled until Publish 97 is released world wide later this month.

As always we appreciate your time and be sure to send us your feedback!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 97 Update to TC1


By 4pm ET today, April 14, 2017, we will be updating TC1 with the latest version of Publish 97 which includes the following changes.


We’ll be on TC1 from this afternoon and throughout the weekend so stop by and say hello!

As always we appreciate your time and be sure to send us your feedback!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Update to Origin, Izumo and Baja Publish Schedule

Greetings all,

We are making a few adjustments to pet AIs and will not be publishing today, our new scheduled date to publish to Origin, Izumo and Baja is Tuesday April 18th, 2017.  We will be updating TC1 with the latest changes, keep an eye on the wiki for the latest list of updates.

Also, as of May 1st we will be making additional stable slots available from the Ultima Store.

Finally, as a celebration of Easter and the dawning of Spring make sure you visit the Justice Falls and look for the pink squirrel to claim a gift.  These gifts will not be available until all shards have been updated with Publish 97 later this month.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Final TC1 Release for Pub 97


By 4pm ET today, April 11, 2017, we will be updating TC1 with the latest version of Publish 97 which includes the following changes.  Be sure to patch up to the latest client to see the newest creatures.

We are incredibly grateful to those who have taken the time to head over to TC1 to test and give feedback on Publish 97.  This will be the final TC1 release as we are planning to publish Origin, Izumo, & Baja on Thursday, April 13, 2017.

We have introduced the final batch of new creatures with this patch!  Platinum & Crimson Drakes can be found in various locations throughout Trammel, Felucca, Ilshenar, Malas & Eodon.  These locations include Destard, Montor, Ice Dungeon, the forest near Umbra, and the Kotl City.  Stygian Drakes can found in various locations throughout the Stygian Abyss.

We’ll be on TC1 from this afternoon  so stop by and say hello!

As always we appreciate your time and be sure to send us your feedback!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Dev Meet and Greet on Asuka and Pacific

Greetings Everyone,

We will be doing the monthly meet and greets on April 10th for Asuka at 9 am ET and April 24th at 9 pm ET for Pacific.  We look forward to seeing you there with your questions and suggestions.

I would also like to take this time to let you guys know we are aware of the issue with the Pet Branding tool.  When we publish the fix this week all tools will be fully recharged.

Thank you!

UO Team



TC1 Update to Pub 97 – Check out some new creatures!


Today we have updated TC1 with the latest version of Publish 97 which includes the following changes.  This release includes a mandatory client patch, so make sure you patch before trying to log in.

We are incredibly grateful to those who have taken the time to head over to TC1 to test and give feedback on Publish 97.

At this stage we have incorporated all major feedback related to pet training progress and pet customization.  We have also introduced some of the new creatures that can be found in Britannia – with still more to come!  We encourage everyone to continue testing the progress and customization of pets to provide valuable feedback as we move towards our next release.

We’ll be on TC1 from this afternoon through the weekend so stop by and say hello!

As always we appreciate your time and be sure to send us your feedback!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

20th Anniversary Party Update

Greetings Everyone,

I am happy to announce we have increased the number of registrations we can accept, if you have not already done so please register today!  There are a very limited number of spaces, so do not delay!  Once we reach capacity you can once again register for the waitlist.  If you need to cancel an existing registration or wish to inquire about your registration status please contact us immediately.

We have updated the event page with information about the room block at the Hyatt Regency Dulles.

Stay tuned for additional updates as we get closer to the event.

See (many) of you in September!

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong

Next Round of Publish 97 Updates to TC1


Today we have updated TC1 with the latest version of Publish 97 which includes the following changes.

We are incredibly grateful to those who have taken the time to head over to TC1 to test and give feedback on Publish 97.

At this stage we have incorporated all major feedback related to pet training progress and will be moving to the specifics of pet customization.  While our major focus is on pet customization, it is still important to get feedback on the latest changes to pet training progress.  We will provide pet training advancement gates to speed up the process, but it is still incredibly important to get feedback on the changes we made to how training progress works.

We’ll be on TC1 from this afternoon through the weekend so stop by and say hello!

As always we appreciate your time and be sure to send us your feedback!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

20th Anniversary Party Update

Greetings everyone,

We are so excited to see all the registrations that we have received to date!  At this point we have reached capacity and any future registrations will be put on a waiting list.  Wait list registrations will be open shortly.  If have already registered and need to cancel for any reason or would like to inquire about your reservation please contact us immediately.

For those of you who are interested in staying at the Hyatt and would like to take advantage of our room block there, we  will be putting up the link as soon as details are available here.

See you in September,

UO Team

Publish 97 Updates to TC1


We have updated TC1 with the latest version of Publish 97 which includes the following changes,

  • Adjusted the training scheme for pets involved in the training process. There is now a Guaranteed Gain System as well as a greater chance to gain at lower levels of progress.
  • Now provide additional feedback to players when their pets gain battle experience, or fail. The messages on TC1 are currently placeholder and will be updated before final release.

Read the full notes here.

We are really trying to focus on the length of time it takes to take pets through the training process so head over to TC1 and check out Animal Training and make sure you send us your feedback!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team