The Herald

UO Herald - Game Updates

VvV フォーカスグループ参加者募集!




UO Herald - Game Updates

VvV Focus Group Needed


We are seeking 13 to 15 interested individuals to participate in a focus group for our upcoming feature, Vice vs Virtue! 

Interested individuals should:

  • Have an active, Ultima Online subscription free of any past infractions
  • A passion for, and experience with, Player vs Player combat in UO
  • Be willing to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • Be able to communicate and critique in a respectable and adult manner

If you are interested send your account name (no passwords ever!), and a brief description of why you would like to be considered for this focus group to . 

See you in Britannia,

The UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

Character Transfer Back on

Greetings Everyone,

   Character transfer is back on.  If you have a character that has not completed the transfer please page a GM and he will be able to fix your character and give you back your items.  You have to be online to do this though.  Thank you for your patience.

UO Team and GameMasters

UO Herald - Game Updates

Bugged Character Transfer Issues

Greetings Everyone,

   We have resolved the issue that caused the bug with the incomplete character transfers.  If you have a incompleted transfer that you are unable to unpack please page a GM.  If your character transfer has not completed the cycle please do not panic we have not turned it back on yet.  We hope to have it back on by Monday.  I will post again on Monday and give you an update on when we might be able to turn it back on.

  Thank you for your patience and have a great weekend!

UO Team

UO Herald - Game Updates

Job Opening – Engineer

Ultima Online is looking to increase our team again!!

As a software engineer at Broadsword, you will build and maintain some of the longest-lived MMO’s still running. You will work on client and server code, networking, databases, and UI/UX among many other tasks. The ideal candidate is a passionate gamer with a C++ background, strong English language communication skills and experience with both Linux and Windows development.

If you are interested in applying please send your resume to

UO Herald - Game Updates

Character Transfer Issues


We are aware of an issue with character transfer. In order to fix this issue we are going to turn it off for the time being at 1 pm ET 5/1/14. We will keep you informed of our progress and will get it turned back on as soon as possible.

We are sorry for the horrible timing and appreciate your patience.

UO Team




問題が解決し次第再開となります 随時調査報告が出来ればと思っております



UO Herald - Game Updates

Vendor Search On Origin and Izumo

Vendor Search is being turned on today on Origin and Izumo after their normal maintenance cycle.  Pending any disasters Vender Search will be live on all shards tomorrow after normal daily maintenance.

  • Improved overall search speed
  • Search results now return up to 60 items
  • Searches can no longer be canceled
  • Customizing houses will remove opted-in vendors from search results for up to 30 minutes
  • Upon shards being published with update it will take approximately three hours for the vendor database to update.  If you do not find your item please check back after that time frame,  After the initial database update all vended item additions/deletions will be available through searches within five minutes.

UO Herald - Game Updates

Dev Meet and Greet Schedule

We will be meeting on each shard for 1 hour in Lord Blackthorn’s Throne Room. This will be an open forum for you to ask us anything that is on your mind. Please note that the schedule could change due to unforeseen issues but we will notify you of any changes ahead of schedule.


Shard M&G Scheduled Time Date
Legends 7pm ET April 30, 2014
Mugen 9am ET May 14, 2014
Atlantic 7pm ET June 4, 2014
Wakoku 9am ET June 18, 2014
Lake Superior 7pm ET July 2, 2014
Hokuto 9am ET July 16, 2014
Great Lakes 7pm ET July 30, 2014
Formusa 10AM ET August 13, 2014
Chesapeake 7pm ET August 27, 2014
Izumo 9am ET September 10, 2014
Siege Perilous 7pm ET September 24, 2014
Mizuho 9am ET October 8, 2014
Origin 9 pm ET October 22, 2014
Yamato 9am ET November 5, 2014
Pacific 9 pm ET November 19, 2014
Asuka 9am ET December 3, 2014
Sonoma 9 pm ET December 17, 2014
Sakura 9am ET January 7, 2015
Lake Austin 9 pm ET January 21, 2015
Arirang TBD February 4, 2015
Baja 9 pm ET February 18, 2015
Balhae TBD March 4, 2015
Napa Valley 9 pm ET March 18, 2015
Drachenfels TBD April 1, 2015
Europa 4pm ET April 15,2015
Oceania TBD April 29,2015
Catskills 7pm ET May 13,2015

UO Herald - Game Updates

State of UO Address

Greetings everyone,

The UO Team would like to invite everyone to join us for our first State of UO Address under the Broadsword name. The get together is scheduled for Thursday April 3rd at 6 pm EST. You can watch it at any of the following locations:

Google+: Watch live on Google+
YouTube: Watch live on YouTube
Twitch: Watch live on Twitch live on Twitch

Please join us for some exciting news as to what the team is up to and where we are going next.

See everyone soon!

UO Team!

皆さん こんにちは!

今回 私達UOチームがブロートソード社になって初の「State Of UO」(動画)を配信する事になり

Google+: Watch live on Google+
YouTube: Watch live on YouTube
Twitch: Watch live on Twitch live on Twitch

