The Herald

Producer Update

Greetings Everyone,

We are still working hard on getting our publish finished. Next week we will be putting out a Publish and Patch to TC1. Due to an outstanding migration issue you may experience some cliloc errors, these will be fixed before we go world wide. You will be able to check out the following:

Completed Systems:

Global Loot
Clean up Britannia additions
Traders Quest

Systems still in progress:

Vice vs Virtue – Players will see this on TC1
New UI

In progress for 86
17th Anniversary Items!! (of course I am going to be evil and not tell you)

I do want to address one issue that has come up though. If you reforge or alter an Event Moderator item in any way it may change the name of said item. We will not change it back.! So please know this before you start reforging items



UO Herald - Game Updates

Producer Update

Greetings Everyone,

We are still working hard on getting our publish finished. Next week we will be putting out a Publish and Patch to TC1. Due to an outstanding migration issue you may experience some cliloc errors, these will be fixed before we go world wide. You will be able to check out the following:

Completed Systems:

Global Loot
Clean up Britannia additions
Traders Quest

Systems still in progress:

Vice vs Virtue – Players will see this on TC1
New UI

In progress for 86
17th Anniversary Items!! (of course I am going to be evil and not tell you)

I do want to address one issue that has come up though. If you reforge or alter an Event Moderator item in any way it may change the name of said item. We will not change it back.! So please know this before you start reforging items




皆さん こんにちは







徳V悪徳システム- プレイヤーはTC1でこれを見る事ができます



17周年記念のアイテム!!(勿論 意地悪して教えないけど)



Producer Update

Greetings Everyone,

Since I have not given you guys an update lately I thought I would let everyone know what we are up to and give you some highlights as to what and when you can expect to see new and exciting things in UO! I know we stated that Publish 86 would originally be released in July but we are looking at mid August before we can publish now. Since the shutdown of the Mythic Studio, it has caused us to move the rest of our build machines from that office to the office in Herndon before we were expecting so that has caused a delay in our publish time. This is not an excuse but I wanted to let everyone know some of the things we have been dealing with to cause these delays.

Below is a brief description of the things we have been working on:

  • We have put in a new Trade Quest that lets you get reacquainted with the lands around Britannia and also if you are feeling a little brave you can visit Feluccia and take your wares to Slim the fence in one of the towns in Feluccia …
  • We have added new items to turn in and new items you can obtain to clean up Britannia
  • We are still working with Pinco on a new UI for the EC
  • We are working with the Focus group and getting great feedback (thank you) for VvsV and should have it on TC1 within the next two weeks for everyone to take a look at it.
  • We are still working on a system for the new Advisor Program (old counselor program) , fresh new name.
  • We have revised the global loot system
  • We are working aiming for turning on Return to Britannia in August
  • Adding MYUO to the UO.COM Website
  • Anniversary items that will be turned on in September

I will try my best to talk to you guys once a week and give you updates on our progress and let you guys know what we are up to. We are still looking for an Engineer for the team. and we are also looking for someone to help with redesigning UO.COM. So if anyone is interested please drop me a line and let’s talk at

Talk to everyone soon!!


UO Herald - Game Updates

Producer Update

Greetings Everyone,

Since I have not given you guys an update lately I thought I would let everyone know what we are up to and give you some highlights as to what and when you can expect to see new and exciting things in UO! I know we stated that Publish 86 would originally be released in July but we are looking at mid August before we can publish now. Since the shutdown of the Mythic Studio, it has caused us to move the rest of our build machines from that office to the office in Herndon before we were expecting so that has caused a delay in our publish time. This is not an excuse but I wanted to let everyone know some of the things we have been dealing with to cause these delays.


Below is a brief description of the things we have been working on:

  • We have put in a new Trade Quest that lets you get reacquainted with the lands around Britannia and also if you are feeling a little brave you can visit Feluccia and take your wares to Slim the fence in one of the towns in Feluccia …

  • We have added new items to turn in and new items you can obtain to clean up Britannia

  • We are still working with Pinco on a new UI for the EC

  • We are working with the Focus group and getting great feedback (thank you) for VvsV and should have it on TC1 within the next two weeks for everyone to take a look at it.

  • We are still working on a system for the new Advisor Program (old counselor program) , fresh new name.

  • We have revised the global loot system

  • We are working aiming for turning on Return to Britannia in August

  • Adding MYUO to the UO.COM Website

  • Anniversary items that will be turned on in September

I will try my best to talk to you guys once a week and give you updates on our progress and let you guys know what we are up to. We are still looking for an Engineer for the team. and we are also looking for someone to help with redesigning UO.COM. So if anyone is interested please drop me a line and let’s talk at

Talk to everyone soon!!


UO Herald - Special Announcement

Official Notice

Greetings all,

On you will find a message from Broadsword leadership about the recent events regarding EA Mythic. I would like to assure our players that this in no way affects our relationship with Electronic Arts. Everything that has been stated with UO will continue as promised.

We look forward to our continued partnership with EA to ensure a bright and exciting future for Ultima Online.

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
UO Producer​

皆さん こんにちは。


Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
UO Producer

UO Herald - Game Updates

Official Notice

Greetings all,

On you will find a message from Broadsword leadership about the recent events regarding EA Mythic. I would like to assure our players that this in no way affects our relationship with Electronic Arts. Everything that has been stated with UO will continue as promised.

We look forward to our continued partnership with EA to ensure a bright and exciting future for Ultima Online.

Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
UO Producer​

皆さん こんにちは。


Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong
UO Producer

UO Herald - Game Updates

Log In Servers are Down

11:14 pm EDT update: You are currently able to log in with both clients, we are still seeing lag when you try to log in. We are still looking into this and I will update you on any progress tomorrow. Thank you for your patience while we get this issue resolved.
UO Team

9:35 pm EDT update: While in the process of fixing the Enhanced Log in servers we are having to bring down the Classics log in servers also. We are still working on this and I will update when I hear anything. Sorry guys!

Update: Players can log in with the Classic client but the Enchanced Client is still having log in issues. Will keep you updated

Greetings everyone,

We are having issues with our log in servers, if you log out of UO you will not be able to log back in. We expect the log in servers to be down for approx. 2 more hours, if something changes I will post and let you know. I will post another update if they are not back by 6:30 pm EST.

UO Team




Publish 85.5

We will be putting out a patch starting this afternoon with Oceania, everyone else will get it with your with normal scheduled maintenance.

Publish 85.5.0

Governor System Updates
The following changes have been made related to the Governor System,
• Funds from the purchase of City Banners and City Titles will now be deposited to the City Treasury.
• City Bulletin Boards have been made more functional to allow Governors to post news.
o Governors may set a Headline and an Article by using the context menu on their City Bulletin Board.
o Headlines will be displayed when a player double clicks on the bulletin board.
o Articles, along with the Governor’s name, posting date, and the full headline will be displayed when a player clicks on the blue button next to each city.
o Bulletin boards can be viewed by anyone regardless of their citizenship.
• Beginning with the June election, terms have been increased to 180 days. Elections will occur in June and December.

Bug Fixes
• Young players will once again receive a warning gump when entering dungeons.
• Young players will be freely aggressed by mobs within Dungeon Blackthorn.
• Faction tithing rate is now capped at 70% from 100%.

VvV Focus Group
Thank you to everyone who applied for the VvV focus group! We will be contacting those selected for the focus group soon with more details on what to expect moving forward.

 街のバナーや街のタイトル購入の際に発生した資金は街の宝庫に入金されます。
 街の掲示板は知事によってニュースなどの書き込みが出来ようになり、より機能的になりました。
○ 知事は掲示板のコンテクストメニューを使用しヘッドラインと記事を設定できます。
○ 掲示板をダブルクリックする事によりヘッドラインが表示されます。
○ 各街の横にある青いボタンをクリックする事で知事名、投稿日時、ヘッドラインそして記事が表示されます。
○ その街の市民であるかないかにかかわらず誰でも掲示板を観覧する事ができます。
 6月の選挙より開始し、期間は180日間に変更になりました 選挙は6月と12月に開催されます。

 ヤングプレイヤーがダンジョンに入る際には今一度 注意書きのポップアップが出ます。
 ヤングプレイヤーであってもブラックソーンダンジョンにおいては攻撃を受けます。
 派閥に課せられる十分の一税の割合は100%から70%になりました。


UO Herald - Game Updates

Publish 85.5

We will be putting out a patch starting this afternoon with Oceania, everyone else will get it with your with normal scheduled maintenance.

Publish 85.5.0

Governor System Updates
The following changes have been made related to the Governor System,
• Funds from the purchase of City Banners and City Titles will now be deposited to the City Treasury.
• City Bulletin Boards have been made more functional to allow Governors to post news.
o Governors may set a Headline and an Article by using the context menu on their City Bulletin Board.
o Headlines will be displayed when a player double clicks on the bulletin board.
o Articles, along with the Governor’s name, posting date, and the full headline will be displayed when a player clicks on the blue button next to each city.
o Bulletin boards can be viewed by anyone regardless of their citizenship.
• Beginning with the June election, terms have been increased to 180 days. Elections will occur in June and December.

Bug Fixes
• Young players will once again receive a warning gump when entering dungeons.
• Young players will be freely aggressed by mobs within Dungeon Blackthorn.
• Faction tithing rate is now capped at 70% from 100%.

VvV Focus Group
Thank you to everyone who applied for the VvV focus group! We will be contacting those selected for the focus group soon with more details on what to expect moving forward.

 街のバナーや街のタイトル購入の際に発生した資金は街の宝庫に入金されます。
 街の掲示板は知事によってニュースなどの書き込みが出来ようになり、より機能的になりました。
○ 知事は掲示板のコンテクストメニューを使用しヘッドラインと記事を設定できます。
○ 掲示板をダブルクリックする事によりヘッドラインが表示されます。
○ 各街の横にある青いボタンをクリックする事で知事名、投稿日時、ヘッドラインそして記事が表示されます。
○ その街の市民であるかないかにかかわらず誰でも掲示板を観覧する事ができます。
 6月の選挙より開始し、期間は180日間に変更になりました 選挙は6月と12月に開催されます。

 ヤングプレイヤーがダンジョンに入る際には今一度 注意書きのポップアップが出ます。
 ヤングプレイヤーであってもブラックソーンダンジョンにおいては攻撃を受けます。
 派閥に課せられる十分の一税の割合は100%から70%になりました。
