
  Fire is a dungeon with two entrances. The first is close to the town of Serpent’s Hold, just a few paces from the town dock. The second is in the much less hospitable desert and lava region of the Lost Lands, north of the town of Papua and close to the ‘Desert’ Champion Location in Felucca. The Felucca incarnation of this dungeon is a valid location for stealing from monsters but is not an anti virtue dungeon. The Abyss Champion Spawn occupies the maze-like area furthest from the dungeon entrances in the Felucca facet. Level One The entrance to […]


Located in the mountains of snowy Dagger Isle, Deceit is one of the anti-virtue dungeons, as such hunting there can give virtue artifact drops. The Felucca incarnation of this dungeon is also a valid location for stealing from monsters. The Unholy Terror Champion Spawn on level three and the Feluccan entrance to the Primeval Lich Champion Spawn Region on level four are also found in this Dungeon when on the Felucca facet as are teleporters to the Vermin Horde champion area in Despise and the Abyss champion area in Fire dungeon. Despise is the anti-virtue opposed to Compassion, listen carefully […]


level 1 | level 2 | level 3 | level 4 | level 5 | The Altars The entrance to Dungeon Shame is found to the north west of Britain at the far side of the mountains. Level 1 The usual Scorpion can still be found here and there but the first residents you meet will be the diminutive Mud Pies and apparently familiar Earth Elementals, treat these last with a little respect, they are not as feeble as those you may have become used to fighting under this name. Moving straight forward the path divides. To left and right […]


Located south east of Daemon Temple on the Isle of Fire, Hythloth is one of the anti-virtue dungeons, as such hunting there can give virtue artifact drops. The Felucca incarnation of this dungeon is also a valid location for stealing from monsters Hythloth is said to be an old English synonym for ‘pride’ and pride will certainly go before a fall if you are too careless in this dungeon, there are a few unexpected ‘surprises’ contained in it. The Felucca dungeon can be the location of the champion of champions, the Harrower, when it is summoned by players and includes […]

Scrolls of Transcendence

In Publish 57, a number of new additions were made to the champion spawns on all facets. While working the spawn, players have a chance of receiving a random Scroll of Transcendence (SoT). This cursed scroll will allow you to instantly train your character in the skill and by the number of points indicated on the scroll provided you have the room for it. All skills (including non-Powerscroll skills such as begging and remove trap) are available. The skill on the Scroll of Transcendence is randomly selected. The number of points per scroll range from 0.1 to 0.5 in Trammel […]


Introduction Stealing in Ultima Online can take several forms, stealing from crates and barrels in town shops, from monsters in dungeons, from Exodus Zealots in Exodus Dungeon or even stealing from other players. The specifics of some of these, with information of the possible rewards, are dealt with in the pages linked below. Other characters should be aware that performing beneficial acts upon a thief will flag you ‘criminal’. To see if someone is in the Thieves Guild use the Forensic Evaluation skill on them. The higher your Forensic Evaluation skill, the more chance you have of finding out who’s […]

Armor Refinement

Armor Refinement allows players to apply Refinements to non-medable armor. Where armor would ordinarily be non-medable, but has the property Mage Armor, the property can be removed by an npc mage guildmaster for a fee of 250,000gp. The property can be re-added subject to the armor not having more than four properties or not being an artifact. Note: the mage guildmaster in New Haven will not remove mage armor from a blessed item. This restriction does not apply in other cities. Transmogified armor cannot be refined There are two methods of refining armor: Reinforced – Increase max individual resist while […]

Ships Guide

Buying a Ship | Decay | Launching & Boarding | Navigation | Security | In Combat Reasons to Own a Ship What are some reasons for buying a ship? You may be a miner planning to mine the cliffs around the shores from your boat, storing the ore for later smelting. You may wish to hunt for sunken treasure You may plan to undertake some peaceful fishing trips, delivering cargo for the fishmonger’s on shore You may see yourself hunting down pirates You may even be a pirate, hunting down the peaceful merchants sailing the seas. On a shard where you […]


Ore to Ingots | Colored Ore | Mining for Stone and Sand Mining is a basic, and fairly essential skill for an aspiring blacksmith or, to a slightly lesser degree, tinker. To begin mining you will need tools, these can be either picks or shovels and can be used from the backpack, they do not need to be equipped: A shovel or pickaxe bought from a tinker npc has 50 uses before it breaks. An exceptional shovel or pickaxe made by a player using tinkering skill has 100 uses. High quality mining tools, such as the sturdy pickaxe and sturdy […]

Publish 90

The Time of Legends Expansion 8/26/2015 – First TC1 Release 9/11/2015 – Second TC1 Release 9/17/2015 – Third TC1 Release 9/25/2015 – Fourth TC1 Release 9/29/2015 – Origin & Izumo Release 10/3/2015 – Origin & Izumo Update 1 Release 10/8/2015 – World Wide Release Humility & Spirituality This feature does not require the Time of Legends expansion entitlement. Humility & Spirituality Virtues are now available via the virtue menu. Humility Method of Gain To begin the Humility Hunt, say the words “lum lum lum”. During the Humility Hunt players, pets, and summons receive a -70 resist debuff to all resists. […]