Note: Resist properties on armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Beastiary on Dragons Armor Set: Platemail Armor hue id 2671 Dragonbane Gauntlets Dragonbane Armplates Dragonbane Chestguard Dragonbane Legguards Reptile Slayer Weapons 50% physical/50% cold damage (remaining properties subject to congiarium) Dragonbone Spear (spear) hue id 2955 Dragonbone Crusher (hammer pick) Dragonbone Reaper (halberd) Wyrmhide Compendium Blessed Reptile Slayer Spell Damage Increase (determined by congiarium level) 64 spells Serpent’s Coil (Bracelet) Weight 1 stone Hit Point Increase 6 Stamina Increase 6 Mana Increase 2 Durability […]