Ultima Online


Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Beastiary on Dragons Armor Set: Platemail Armor hue id 2671 Dragonbane Gauntlets Dragonbane Armplates Dragonbane Chestguard Dragonbane Legguards Reptile Slayer Weapons 50% physical/50% cold damage (remaining properties subject to congiarium) Dragonbone Spear (spear) hue id 2955 Dragonbone Crusher (hammer pick) Dragonbone Reaper (halberd) Wyrmhide Compendium Blessed Reptile Slayer Spell Damage Increase (determined by congiarium level) 64 spells Serpent’s Coil (Bracelet) Weight 1 stone Hit Point Increase 6 Stamina Increase 6 Mana Increase 2 Durability […]

Ultima Online

Veylara the Thoughtshaper

Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Bestiary on Nightmares Forbidden Grimoire Blessed Spell Damage Increase (determined by congiarium level) Armor set: Hue ID 2503 or 2557 Thoughtbinder’s Circlet Armor set: Arcane armor hue id 2129 or 1644 Mindshaper’s Hood Mindshaper’s Handwraps Mindshaper’s Sleeves Mindshaper’s Britches Mindshaper’s Vestments Armor set: Studded Armor hue id 2129 Subjugator’s Helm Subjugator’s Gloves Subjugator’s Sleeves Subjugator’s Tunic Subjugator’s Leggings Thoughtbinder’s Staff (Black Staff) Mindbender’s Shackle (bracelet) Weight 1 stone Hit Point Increase 3 Stamina Increase […]

Ultima Online

Hurika & Torst (Manticores)

Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Reward Title – Fangbreaker Manticore Feathers, lure for Juvenile Manticore Armor Set: Platemail hue ID 2769 Plated Manticore Helm Plated Manticore Gauntlets Plated Manticore Vambraces Plated Manticore Corslet Plated Manticore Greaves Armor Set: Leather Armor hue id 2764 Razorhide Sleeves Razorhide Tunic Razorhide Greaves Feathered Mane (mask) hue id 2769 Weapons 50% fire damage 50% poison damage Barbed Manticore Tail (barbed whip) Spiked Manticore Tail (spiked whip) Grimtalon (dagger) Ironmaw (war axe) Skullcrusher (quarter […]

Ultima Online

Garthok the Champion

Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Orcish Rations, lure for Snarltooth Armor set: Bone Armor hue id 2706 Marrowweave Grips Marrowweave Armplates Marrowweave Shinbones Marrowweave Ribcage Garthok’s Toothpick (skull gnarled staff) Garthok’s Glass Eye (orb) Weight 1 Stone Mana Increase 6 Spell Damage Increase 10% Durability 200/200 Orc Champion’s Visage Gives wearer the appearance of an orc scout  

Ultima Online

Titanweave Spider

Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Reward Title – Webwalker Paralysed rabbit,  lure for Arantress Armor Set: Studded Leather hue id 1819 Titanweave Helm Titanweave Gloves Titanweave Sleeves Titanweave Leggings Titanweave Tunic (Male and Female Versions) Widow’s Wall (order shield) hue id 2106 Arachnid Slayer Weapons 50 physical/50% fire damage(remaining properties subject to congiarium level) Spider Skewer (kryss) hue id 2114 Titanweave Fang (skinning knife) hue id 1819 Titanweave Bow (bow) Venomhewer (Double Axe) hue id 1423 Carapace Crusher (Hammer […]

Ultima Online

Solen Matriarch

Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Reward Title – Hivebreaker Sack of flavourful treats, lure for Pachuxo Armor Set: Ringmail hue id 1106 Broodguard’s Helm Broodguard’s Gauntlets Broodguard’s Sleeves Broodguard’s Hauberk Broodguard’s Leggings Armor Set: Platemail hue id 1109 (Shadowdancer) Solen Chitin Helm Solen Chitin Cuirass Solen Chitin Armguards Solen Chitin Gauntlets Solen Chitin Legplates Broodguard’s Carver (cleaver) 50% Fire Damage 50% Cold Damage Matriarch’s Band (bracelet) Queen’s Embrace (orb) Weight 1 stone Spell Channeling Mana Increase 6 Spell Damage […]

Ultima Online

Crimson Dragon

Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Reward Title Wyrmscale Warden Bestiary on Dragons Pure gold ingots, lure for Emberwing Armor Set: Dragonscale Armor hue id 2503 or 2619 Crimson Wyrmscale Visor Crimson Wyrmscale Claws Crimson Wyrmscale Vambraces Crimson Wyrmscale Hauberk Crimson Wyrmscale Leggings Armor Set: Leather Armor hue id 2749 Dragonhide Tunic (leather tunic, female leather armor, leather bustier) Dragonhide Grips Dragonhide Sleeves Dragonhide Greaves (leggings, skirt) Dragonhide Mask (deer mask) 100% Fire Damage Weapons (remaining properties subject to congiarium […]

Ultima Online

Therion Frostflayer the Icemancer

Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level Reward Title – Frostwarden Bestiary  on White Wyrms Frostwood Twigs, lure for Arctus Armor set: Arcane Armor, hue id: 1151 – Frostwood  or 1153 Arctic Vest (male and female versions) Arctic Gloves Blizard’s Embrace (Skull Gnarled Staff) hue id 1150 Luna White Flame Slayer 100% Cold Damage Hit Chance Increase and Damage Increase properties subject to congiarium level Glacial Signet (Ring) Weight 1 stone Hit Point Increase 3 Stamina Increase 3 Mana Increase 8 […]

Ultima Online

Legendary Foes & Champions Rewards

This page is a work in progress, not all drops are currently listed. If you are able to contribute please post on uo.com forum, legacy or email to mariah4broadsword@gmail.com Note: Resist properties on  armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level

Ultima Online

New Legacy – Legendary Artifact Trader

William the Artifact trader has taken up residence in Britain Public Library He will trade items in return for reward points earned by killing Legendary foes. These foes are: Therion Frostflayer the Icemancer Veylara the Thoughtshaper Titanweave Spider Solen Matriarch Crimson Dragon Hurika & Torst (Manticores) However, reward points are capped! Initial points are capped at 100 and will increase by 20 every week (increase occurs every Tuesday after server maintenance. Points are limited and you cannot earn more points overall than the current cap. Spend them wisely! Example: If the current cap is 100 points, you can earn up […]