Wiki > Ultima Online Wiki > New Legacy, An Overview > Legendary Foes & Champions Rewards > Crimson Dragon
Note: Resist properties on armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level
- Reward Title Wyrmscale Warden
- Bestiary on Dragons
- Pure gold ingots, lure for Emberwing
- Armor Set: Dragonscale Armor hue id 2503 or 2619
- Crimson Wyrmscale Visor
- Crimson Wyrmscale Claws
- Crimson Wyrmscale Vambraces
- Crimson Wyrmscale Hauberk
- Crimson Wyrmscale Leggings
- Armor Set: Leather Armor hue id 2749
- Dragonhide Tunic (leather tunic, female leather armor, leather bustier)
- Dragonhide Grips
- Dragonhide Sleeves
- Dragonhide Greaves (leggings, skirt)
- Dragonhide Mask (deer mask)
- 100% Fire Damage Weapons (remaining properties subject to congiarium level
- Crimson Repeater (repeating crossbow)hue id 2751
- Crimson Decapitator (crescent blade) hue id 2749
- Wyrmguard Enforcer (gnarled staff) hue id 2707
- Wyrmguard Trident (pitchfork) hue id 2707
- Wyrmguard Phalanx (Heater Shield)
- Crimsonflame Lantern
- Spell Channeling
- Spell Damage Increase 20%
- Strength Requirement 20
- Durability 200/200
- Dragonhide Sash (This item is also available from the Legendary Artifact Trader)
- Weight 1 stone
- Hit Point Increase 6
- Stamina Increase 2
- Strength Requirement 10
- Durability 200/200
- Hoardkeeper’s Mantle (This item is also available from the Legendary Artifact Trader)
- Plain Dress or Robe
- Weight 2 Stones
- Hit Point Increase 5
- Stamina Increase 2
- Mana Increase 3
- Strength Requirement 10
- Durability 200/200
- Head of the Crimson Dragon