The Town Crier, issue II
What does today’s news have to offer? Time to buy a copy and find out.
“Huge Treasure map sale!” the headline shouts. Does this call for a visit to Jhelom provisioner?
Pictured above is the start of a conversation with Al Harrington; the rest of it goes something like this:
- “You and everyone else! Ever since running that ad we haven’t been able to keep anything in stock, treasure maps especially! Look friend, don’t take this the wrong way but you wouldn’t want to get involved in treasure hunting. Dangerous business you know.”
- “I think I can handle it. I’ve got coin!”
- “The coin is nay the problem! I merely do not have any more maps to sell!”
- “Perhaps I could find them for myself?”
- “I suppose there is no harm in telling you…you will probably end up getting yourself eaten by something and my associates and I will scavenge that fancy gear of yours” *chuckles*
- *eyes narrow* “The location?”
- *nervous laugh* “Fine, fine! Us Treasure Hunters get together every so often, and recently we have been coming across some strange stuff buried out there. Normally we find pirate treasure or the hidden stash of some highway bandits, but recently…I dunno. Instead of rusty chests there have been these…objects. I really dunno how to describe them. Kinda like a statue with weird carvings…and the flashes and thunder, really bizarre. Treasure’s all there though, same creatures still protecting them, just now we been finding these statue things from maps recovered from Hythloth, Deceit, and Destard. Good luck getting your hands on one though!”
- ” I’ll have a look, farewell!”
- “Well met,” *mumbles* “can’t wait to come across your corpse in…I mean good luck with everything and thanks for stopping in!”
Time to hunt out a few maps maybe, any map, even a plainly written one, though higher levels are likely to have more items inside; Deceit, Destard or Hythloth? Then a friend to dig them up perhaps, the treasure hunter need not be undertaking the quests.
These maps are somewhat different to the norm
Strange Obelisks guard the treasure, needing to be destroyed just as the more mobile guardians do.
The treasure is contained in a stone base instead of a chest
Strange items are in the chests, three previously unknown spells, candles; red and black, fragments of obsidian, pumice, executioner’s cap and blackmoor. Maybe there’ll be a need for them, better collect a few? Some of them look as though they could stack together, but it may be wiser to keep them separate.