
Revision for “Britain” created on March 31, 2018 @ 09:05:58

<h2>Britain</h2> The twin cities of Britain, one in Felucca and one in Trammel, are the seat of government for the Human race in Britannia; both historical and current. The castles of both Lord Britain and King Blackthorn are found within its environs. While the towns were initially identical, they have diverged over the years, however the principle trade establishments remain matched. The throne in Castle British is located at the compass point 0.00S 0.00E Felucca Castle British was formerly the stronghold of the now disbanded True Britannians Faction and Britain remains one of the eight cities contested by <a href="">Vice versus Virtue.</a> The <a href="">virtue</a> most associated with Britain is Compassion, its opposing vice being Despise. Trammel Britain is also one of nine cities, these cities have an elected governor chosen from and by the players under the <a href="">Britannia Loyalty and Councils system.</a> In a reciprocal arrangement both cities have three officials attached to these systems. A <a href="">Guard Captain</a> and <a href="">Minister of Trade</a> both of relevance to the funding of the Governor's office and a silver trader for Vice versus Virtue. The Guard Captain is found at a small guard tower just west of the main (West) bank. The Minister of Trade is found at the more easterly of the town's two docks. The Silver Trader is found beside Premier Gems, the first shop east of the bank. In front of the bank an arcane circle grants a bonus to groups of <a href="">spellweavers</a> casting an arcane focus upon it and nearby and close by are two further important NPCs, <a href="">Clean Up Officers</a>. <h3>Points of Interest and Activities</h3> In the North West of the city is found the Counsellor's guild, the Trammel building is often the starting point for <a href="">EM events</a>. Also in the North West quadrant of the town is found the Britain Library with its <a href="">Community Collection</a>. Adventure can be found near the city in the <a href="">basement</a> of King Blackthorn's Castle or by navigating the underground passage through <a href="">Britain's sewers</a> to Hopper's Bog in the Lost Lands. A number of quest giving NPCs are found around the town; some are simple <a href="">escort quests</a>, but others are <a href="">Sarakki the Notary</a>, <a href="">Verity the Librarian</a>, the three <a href="">bards</a> at the Conservatory of Music, <a href="">Emilio the Tortured Artist</a>, <a href="">Evan the Beggar</a> and <a href="">Pepta the Royal Tastetester</a>. <a href="">Fishing quests</a> can also be obtained from the fishmonger found on the more westerly dock in both cities. <h3>Shops and Public Buildings</h3> <a href=""><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-16144" src="" alt="" width="300" height="293" /></a> <a href=""><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-16145" src="" alt="" width="300" height="275" /></a> &nbsp; <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="6"> <h4>Castle Britain Grounds</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8172" src="" alt="blacksmith" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Lord's Arms</strong> (4°18'N 3°09'E 1368, 1575)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8173" src="" alt="tailor" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Tailor</strong> (2°27'N 4°38'E 1389, 1596)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8174" src="" alt="stables" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Stables</strong> (2°38'S 4°38'E 1389, 1654)</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> <h4>Upper West Britain</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8176" src="" alt="guilds" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Counselor Guild Hall </strong> (9°08'N 12°43'E 1504, 1520)</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8177" src="" alt="inn" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The North Side Inn </strong> (8°57'N 9°54'E 1464,1522)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8172" src="" alt="blacksmith" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Hammer and Anvil </strong> Blacksmith (6°19'N 6°49'E 1420, 1552)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8178" src="" alt="bard" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Lord British's Conservatory </strong> (6°03'N 9°08'E 1453, 1555)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8179" src="" alt="leather" width="64" height="49" /></td> <td><strong>The Best Hides Of Britain </strong> (0°52'N 7°35'E 1432, 1614)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8180" src="" alt="bowyer" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Quality Fletching </strong> (3°46'N 10°15'E 1469, 1581)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8174" src="" alt="stables" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Bucking Horse Stables </strong> (6°35'N 13°34'E 1516, 1549)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8181" src="" alt="carpenter" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Saw Horse</strong> (2°22'N 7°48'E 1434, 1597)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8176" src="" alt="guilds" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Merchant's Guild </strong> (2°11'N 10°37'E 1474, 1599)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8182" src="" alt="baker" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Good Eats </strong> (0°47'N 9°08'E 1453, 1615)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8176" src="" alt="guilds" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Miner's Guild</strong> (4°02'N 7°01'E 1423, 1578)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8183" src="" alt="healer" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Healer of Britain</strong> (0°58'N 10°32'E 1473, 1613)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8184" src="" alt="eye" width="32" height="32" /></a></td> <td><strong>Britannia Animal Care </strong> (4°55'N 13°08'E 1510, 1568)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8177" src="" alt="inn" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Sweet Dreams </strong> (0°31'S 12°09'E 1496, 1618)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8185" src="" alt="mage" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Sorceror's Delight </strong> (6°24'N 11°52'E 1492, 1551)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8172" src="" alt="blacksmith" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Strength and Steel </strong> Armorer (3°20'N 11°23'E 1485, 1586)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8186" src="" alt="theater" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The King's Men Theater </strong> (3°20'N 9°08'E 1453, 1586)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-8352" src="" alt="pin_green" width="32" height="32" /></a></td> <td><strong>Britain Public Library </strong> (2°06'N 6°19'E 1413, 1600)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8187" src="" alt="dungeon" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Britain Sewers</strong> + T2A Entrance (1°29'S 11°57'E 1493, 1641)</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> <h4>Lower West Britain</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8172" src="" alt="blacksmith" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Heavy Metal Armorer </strong> (2°01'S 8°26'E 1443, 1647)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8189" src="" alt="bank" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>First Bank Of Britain </strong> (5°21'S 7°18'E 1427, 1685)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8190" src="" alt="alchemy" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Ethereal Goods </strong> (2°59'S 12°18'E 1498, 1658)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8191" src="" alt="provisioner" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Premier Provisioners and Fish Shop</strong> (3°41'S 10°41'E 1475, 1666)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8192" src="" alt="jeweler" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Premier Gems </strong> (5°00'S 8°51'E 1449, 1681)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8184" src="" alt="eye" width="32" height="32" /></a></td> <td><strong>First Library of Britain </strong> (8°05'S 12°01'E 1494, 1716)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8173" src="" alt="tailor" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Lord's Clothiers </strong> (5°42'S 10°20'E 1470, 1689)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8195" src="" alt="shipwright" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Oaken Oar </strong> (11°15'S 6°57'E 1422, 1752)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8194" src="" alt="butcher" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Cleaver </strong> (8°36'S 9°00'E 1451, 1722)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8196" src="" alt="customs" width="64" height="49" /></a></td> <td><strong>Customs </strong> (10°22'S 10°49'E 1477, 1742)</td> <td><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8193" src="" alt="tavern" width="64" height="64" /></td> <td><strong>The Blue Boar </strong> (5°32'S 11°52'E 1492, 1687)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8197" src="" alt="tinker" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Tinker's Guild</strong> (2°48'S 7°14'E 1426, 1656)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8193" src="" alt="tavern" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Cat's Lair </strong> (8°15'S 7°06'E 1424, 1718)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8198" src="" alt="painter" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Artist's Guild </strong> (3°15'S 8°51'E 1449, 1661)</td> <td> <a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8189" src="" alt="bank" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong><em>Trammel Only </em>The Britain Commons </strong>(7°22'S 10°24'E 1471, 1708)</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> <h4>East Britain</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8172" src="" alt="blacksmith" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Artistic Armor </strong> (6°24'S 21°52'E 1634, 1697)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8184" src="" alt="eye" width="32" height="32" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Watch Tower</strong> (11°57'S 20°44'E 1618, 1760)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8185" src="" alt="mage" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Incantations and Enchantments </strong> (2°32'S 18°59'E 1593, 1653)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8184" src="" alt="eye" width="32" height="32" /></a></td> <td><strong>Sage Advise </strong> (6°56'S 17°43'E 1575, 1703)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8192" src="" alt="jeweler" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>A Girl's best friend </strong> (1°24'S 23°20'E 1655, 1640)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8176" src="" alt="guilds" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Cavalry Guild </strong> (5°37'N 18°16'E 1583, 1560)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8173" src="" alt="tailor" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Right Fit </strong> (3°04'S 16°06'E 1552, 1659)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8177" src="" alt="inn" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Wayfarer's Inn </strong> (2°59'N 18°46'E 1590, 1590)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8193" src="" alt="tavern" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Salty Dog </strong> (3°20'N 20°44'E 1618, 1586)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8193" src="" alt="tavern" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Unicorn's Horn</strong> (12°34'S 16°06'E 1552, 1767)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8184" src="" alt="eye" width="32" height="32" /></a></td> <td><strong>East Side Park</strong> (0°05'S 19°53'E 1606, 1625)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8189" src="" alt="bank" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>East Britain Bank</strong> (1°40'N 23°12'E 1653, 1605)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8191" src="" alt="provisioner" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Profuse Provisions </strong> (7°17'S 19°45'E 1604, 1707)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8176" src="" alt="guilds" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Counselor Guild Hall </strong> (3°04'S 21°35'E 1630, 1659)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8184" src="" alt="eye" width="32" height="32" /></a></td> <td><strong>The Chamber of Virtue</strong> (2°11'N 15°45'E 1547, 1599)</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> <h4>Britain West</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8172" src="" alt="blacksmith" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Britain's Blackblacksmith's Guild</strong> (13°26'S 2°15'E 1355, 1777)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8174" src="" alt="stables" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Sosarian Steeds</strong> (12°23'N 1°49'W1297, 1765)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8176" src="" alt="guilds" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Warrior's Guild </strong>+ Training dummies (9°45'S 1°24'E 1343, 1735)</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="6"> <h4>Other Points of Interest</h4> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8184" src="" alt="eye" width="32" height="32" /></a> <a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8187" src="" alt="dungeon" width="64" height="64" /></a></td> <td><strong>Lord Blackthorn's Castle</strong> + Dungeon (16°57'N 14°16'E 1526, 1431)</td> <td><a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-8199" src="" alt="cemetery" width="30" height="32" /></a></td> <td><strong>Cemetery</strong> (13°11'N 3°05'E 1367, 1474)</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
March 31, 2018 @ 09:05:58 Mariah
March 31, 2018 @ 09:05:24 [Autosave] Mariah
December 22, 2015 @ 13:18:44 Mariah
December 15, 2015 @ 08:44:36 Mariah
December 14, 2015 @ 08:09:21 Mariah
December 7, 2015 @ 05:35:23 Mariah
December 5, 2015 @ 07:20:34 Mariah
December 5, 2015 @ 07:05:46 Mariah
December 3, 2015 @ 14:15:44 Mariah
December 3, 2015 @ 13:58:36 Mariah
December 3, 2015 @ 13:49:40 Mariah
December 1, 2015 @ 10:20:59 Mariah
December 1, 2015 @ 10:18:07 Mariah
December 1, 2015 @ 10:00:31 Mariah
December 1, 2015 @ 09:52:16 Mariah
December 1, 2015 @ 09:52:06 Mariah
December 1, 2015 @ 09:42:55 Mariah
December 1, 2015 @ 09:34:57 Mariah
December 1, 2015 @ 09:32:12 Mariah