Revision for “Exodus” created on January 21, 2016 @ 08:34:02
Title | Exodus |
Content | <a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-8504"><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-8504" src="" alt="exodus" width="252" height="166" /></a>
Exodus Dungeon is found in the Eastern half of Central Ilshenar (74.21'N 34'48'W 828, 778). The area around the entrance is troubled by a spawn of chaos daemons, dopplegangers, arcane daemons, molochs and quagmires while the upper levels of the building contain controllers and golems.
The main dungeon is reached by stepping on the star field at the center of the ground level of the building. Inside are found more controllers and golems, enslaved gargoyles and exodus minion lords. The quest creatures, exodus minions and overseers, that must be killed for the <a href="">Arcanist's Way</a> quest are found here as are the six creatures that can be killed to obtain key items for the <a href="">Exodus Encounter</a>; squires, knights, champions, exodus drones, exodus sentinels and exodus juggernauts. Thieves may also obtain these keys by finding hidden boxes in the dungeon or <a href="">stealing</a> them from Exodus Zealots.
<a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-8505"><img class="size-medium wp-image-8505 aligncenter" src="" alt="exodus" width="300" height="238" /></a> |
Excerpt |