TC1 Publish 1 – 1/30/2025
TC1 Publish 2 – 2/18/2025
Origin, Izumo, Baja – 2/20/2025
Ultima Store Updates
Arcane Outfitter
- Arcane Outfitter Tickets
- Purchase an Arcane Outfitter ticket bundle from the Sovereign Store and visit the Arcane Outfitter in game to change the paperdoll appearance of your armor to one of 4 new sets!
- Paladin of Air
- Paladin of Water
- Paladin of Earth
- Paladin of Fire
- Purchase an Arcane Outfitter ticket bundle from the Sovereign Store and visit the Arcane Outfitter in game to change the paperdoll appearance of your armor to one of 4 new sets!
- Arcane Outfitters can be found throughout Britannia’s Mage Shops
- The Arcane Outfitter can alter the paperdoll appearance of your equipment
- Simply equip the armor you wish to alter and the Arcane Outfitter will indicate which pieces of equipment are eligible for alteration.
Limited Edition Items
- These limited edition items will be available for the duration of the Eclipsed Dawn Event!
- Limited Edition Vanity Mounts
- Get a special color Lasher, Skeletal Cat, or Coconut Crab mount from the Ultima Store!
- Can be converted to an Ethereal Mount with the Orb of Ethereal Transcendence
- Limited Edition Soulstones
- Available for a limited time only — get the Corrupted Dawn soulstone from the Ultima Store
Eclipsed Dawn
- Fight for the fate of all of Sosaria as you continue to push back the forces of Veylara and the Shadow Reavers with a new champion spawn located in Ter Mur.
- Acquire a variety of Shadowblight Blooms for participating in the spawn.
- Defeat the Void Seer and Mindflayer for a chance at several items!
- A Luck Belt
- New Paladin Shields
- New Paladin Weapons
- New Paladin Cloaks
Veteran Rewards
- Monster Statuettes
- Nightmare – 2nd Year
- Evil Mage – 3rd Year
- Rotting Corpse – 4th Year
- Zen Garden – 6th Year
- Available in small, medium, and large sizes
- Decorative Catapult – 13th Year
- Dye Cabinet – 15th Year Reward
- Store up to 500 Dyes and Pigments in this special house addon container!
- Filter by Pigments, Natural Dyes, Hair Dyes, or Hue #.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue with the Moldering Ursine requiring 2 control slots when it is converted to an Ethereal Mount with the Orb of Ethereal Transcendence.
- Resolved issue with certain Ethereal Mounts not able to be summoned within Blackthorn Dungeon.
- Resolved issue preventing certain reward items from properly working as a Luck Statue when locked down in a house.
- Resolved issue with the Wreck of the Ararat Encounter not properly resetting.
Change list Origin to World Wide
Vet Rewards
- Dye Cabinet
- Added support for additional hair dye bottles
- Adjusted text input font color
Arcane Outfitter
- Paladin Armor pieces can now be dyed with Promotional and Natural dyes.
- Paladin Armor is now non-medable and considered platemail for the purpose of passive LMC/Stamina Protection effects
- When converting armor at the Outfitter, if the source armor is medable, the converted armor will have the Mage Armor property applied to it automatically
Eclipsed Dawn
- Gargoyle characters should now correctly receive participation rewards
Other Changes
- Eclipsed Dawn
- Paladin Shields can now be equipped by Gargoyles.
- Paladin Cloaks have been added to the final boss reward pool.
- Air, Water, Earth, and Fire varieties available.
- Cloaks are valid cape transmog potion targets
- Dye Cabinet
- Added toggle to sort like hues together
- Added toggle to display remaining uses on each dye bottle
- Added toggle to withdraw 1 stack or entire stack (applies to stacked dyes only)