Origin event from Sept 20th

Good afternoon, I have heard from a number of people regarding the event last night on Origin. I just wanted to take the time to say I hear you, and the EM in question hears you.  In the nearly 15 years this Event Moderator program has been live we constantly strive to put on fun and exciting events for our players.  Sometimes the best laid plans still result in technical difficulties.  These difficulties were not intentional and this particular EM is deeply regretful the event did not go as planned.  It is my hope players will join me in giving […]

Housing Status Update

Greetings everyone, We hope everyone is staying home and safe.  We understand this is very trying but know we are all together on this. The team has talked about this several times and we feel the best decision is not to turn off housing decay.  It would impact everyone by not allowing housing to be placed, housing to be transferred, as well temporarily turning off house decay.  The problem is if we did turn it off when the housing is turned back on all the status fast forwards to the point it should have been at when we turned them […]

UO Status Update

Greetings everyone, We will be publishing 108, Tuesday March 24th to all shards. All updates will be active after normal scheduled maintenance. We know many of you are asking us to turn off Housing Decay. We will not be doing that at this time due to the fact there is a 90 day grace period after closing an account for the houses to fall. After 2 months we will review the status of where everyone is at due to the virus and make our decision at that time.  Please understand when we turn off housing decay this makes it so […]

Macroers and Houses

Hello Everyone, Keep in mind this is not a change to the TOS, this is a change as to how we will handle macroers from this point forward.  In case you haven’t read the newsletter for the past few months the numbers being banned are rising and we feel are out of control.  Scripting/macroing needs to stop and this is the step in doing that  .  So this is how it will be handled in the future by the GM’s.  This is not to punish the innocent but to catch the cheaters. Moving forward, we are going  to start noting […]

A Huge Thank You

Greetings, On behalf of the entire UO Team, we want to extend a very special thank you to all of our players, past and present, for your continued support of Ultima Online as we celebrate 20 years of UO! The Anniversary party was a huge success and it was such a pleasure to meet everyone.  We have over 700 photos to sift through and will post those here and on social media so you can check them out! For all of the winners of the castle raffle, I have emailed everyone with a valid email address.  If you have not […]

Producer Note

Greetings Everyone, I would like to address a very serious issue with you all.  As most of you are aware we have had players threaten other players that are coming to the 20th Anniversary Party.  We treat these issues incredibly seriously, and all harassment pages, including threats, are logged on the server.  We then forward these logs as a potential threat to law enforcement, who will follow up to the fullest extent of the law.  Please know we do not take this lightly.   For all of those that are worried regarding the 20th Anniversary Party the issue has been […]

Looking for New Castle Designs

Good Afternoon Everyone, Let me see if I can’t clear up some confusion.  Please remember we have not finalized any plans as of this date but here is what we are thinking.  Castle would have the same footprint The design would still be considered a prefab house You would be able to access the design via the tool for original placement or via the house sign for a change in design.   We are still working out what happens to items inside the house so stay tuned for upcoming announcements. When you submit a design idea be very specific as […]

Producer Update

Good Afternoon everyone, The UO team wants to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day on Monday, please be safe if you are driving! We are excited to release an update to TC1 for Vice vs Virtue. In this update we have introduced the following, At the beginning of each battle three altars will spawn within the City. Shortly after the match begins, the action feed will display a message to “Fight for the Altar!” An arrow will direct you towards the location of the altar. The objective is to be the only guild or alliance on the altar and successfully […]

Producer Letter

Greetings Everyone, I would like to start off todays letter by telling the Izumo players I am sorry for having to cut short the Meet and Greet and finish answering their questions. Q1,海賊酒やバラのお酒をスタックできるようにしてほしい A,これは簡単な修正ではありません。 Q2,フルーツを絞ってジュース作れるようにして!(ノンアルコール) A,それは素晴らしいアイデアです! Q3,プレイヤーが制作できるお料理を増やして! A,是非とも新たな食品やレシピ、料理などを含む農業ブースターパックを考えてみたいと思います。 Q4,家の腐敗速度を元にに戻して下さい! A,それはすでに5日間に戻しました。 Q5,地面に置いたアイテムの腐敗時間が短縮されました。 元は2時間強だったのが1時間前後くらいになりました。 これはバグですか?もしバグであれば早めに修正してください。 A,これはバグではありません。ゲーム内でのクラッシュを防ぐ為に意図的に行われました。 Q6,私の言いたいことは非英語圏と英語圏にある人々の情報入手における問題点です。 去年までは開発からのコメント、バグリポートなどはEAJを介するという形で行われていました しかし、EAJがUOに関わらなくなってから、我々は情報をhttp://www.uo.comから得ています。 ここに問題点があるのです。 あなたたちはuo.comでアナウンスしながら、詳細についてはUO Straticsでコメントしています。 このことをuo.comに反映したりしないのは何故だろうか? 最近で言うならば、転送の盾による転送を制限したことを告知しました。 そのことをUO StraticsでMr.Bleakが詳細についてコメントしてましたが、数日して、制限を無くしたことをUO Straticsにてアナウンスしました。 でも、uo.comではこのことをアナウンスいないのです。 これではuo.comのみを見ている人は転送の盾による転送は2週間制限のままだと思ってしまうでしょう。 今後の私達がuo.com見るのは間違いないだろうけど、その全員がUO Straticsも見るとは限らないのです。 もし、UO Straticsで重要なことをアナウンスするのなら全てuo.comの方に記事として載せて貰えませんか? あなたたちは開発でもあり、プレイヤーへ今後の情報を発信する報道機関です。 私のお願いは情報発信先を一元化することで非英語圏でも触れやすくしてほしいのです。 A,私たちは非英語圏のプレイヤーの不満を理解しています。 Webページを再構築する為にUOの知識を持ったWebデザイナーを見つける事に手間取っていましたが、やっと見つける事が出来ました。 私たちはuo.comの変更計画を進めるだけではなく、うまくいけば日本語、韓国語、中国語、ドイツ語に変換されるようになるでしょう。 そうすれば進捗状況を更新し、皆さんと情報を共有する事が出来るようになります。 もちろん日本公式サイトのアーカイブが失われることはありません。 1)I want to stack the moonshines of pirate and bottle of single. This is not a simple fix, we will look into it and get back to you . 2)Please do make […]