Publish 109 Comes to Origin, Izumo, & Baja

7/14/2020 Greetings, We are pleased to announce that Publish 109 has come to Orign, Izumo & Baja.  If you haven’t already, please check out the publish notes.  Many of the systems that are included in Publish 109 are related to our new dynamic encounters, so please keep an eye on for when we will be soft-launching these systems. See you in Britannia, UO Team

Publish 109 Test Center Release 2

7/10/2020 Greetings, We are pleased to announce the next release of Publish 109 to TC 1!  This release brings our Dynamic Treasures system which will allow us to setup dynamically generated Treasures events.  We’ve setup a short test scenario on TC 1 for players to test both the Dynamic Treasures and Champ Spawn system.  You can start the scenario by visiting the Britain Commons.  Check out the publish notes for full details and we look forward to your feedback. See you in Britannia, UO Team

Publish 109 Test Center Release 1

7/7/2020 Greetings, We are pleased to announce we have updated Test Center 1 with the latest release of Publish 109.  Please head over to the wiki and check out the full publish notes. This release includes a mandatory client patch so please make sure you fully patch up your client before accessing TC1 or any production shard. We look forward to your feedback on the UO forums. See you in Britannia, UO Team

Publish 108 – World Wide Release

3/23/2020 Greetings, We are pleased to announce that as of each shard’s normal maintenance beginning March 24, 2020 Publish 108 will be deployed world wide. A few highlights include – New Vet Rewards! Updated House Decay Rules New Ultima Store Items Combat Updates Treasures of Tokuno and more! Please be sure to checkout the latest publish notes for full details. Also make sure to checkout the latest fiction from EM Malachi, Dockside. Please note that Vendor Search will be disabled until the publish has been deployed to all shards while maintenance is performed on the database. Please also note this […]

Publish 108 coming to Origin, Izumo, and Baja

3/16/2020 Greetings, We are pleased to announce the Origin, Izumo, and Baja release of Publish 108 will be available following each shard’s normally scheduled maintenance beginning March 17, 2020!  Publish 108 brings new Veteran Rewards, new Ultima Store Items, updated house decay rules and more!  Please check out the publish notes for full details! See you in Britannia, UO Team

Publish 108 Release 2 Comes to TC1

2/26/2020 Greetings, As of 5pm ET we are pleased to announce Release 2 of Publish 108 will be available for testing.  This phase includes an update to House Decay Rules, Condemned houses will go through six stages of decay which will take at least five days, Like New -> Slightly Worn -> Somewhat Worn -> Fairly Worn -> Greatly Worn -> In Danger of Collapsing When a house goes into the condemned status the house will become private and all access will be removed.  Friend and Co-owner lists will be cleared. Houses with rental vendors will become OSI owned and […]

Publish 108 TC Release 1

2/20/2020 Greetings, We are pleased to announce the first Test Center release of Publish 108 will be deployed today.  Some of the highlights included in this release are, Veteran Rewards Ultima Store Items Combat Updates Be sure to check out the full publish notes and head over to the forums to provide your feedback. See you in Britannia, UO Team

Jolly Roger – World Wide Release

12/2/2019 Greetings, We are pleased to announce that as of each shard’s normal maintenance beginning December 3, 2019 Jolly Roger will be deployed world wide. A few highlights in Jolly Roger include – Shrine Battles – Visit the Town Cryer near you to learn about this new adventure! Mannequin Upgrade – mix and match equipment and see which suits work best using the new updated Mannequin interface! Holiday Gifts – A holiday treat for all veteran characters at least 30 days old logging in between Tuesday, December 3, 2019 12:01:00 AM GMT-05:00 and Friday, January 3, 2020 11:59:00 PM GMT-05:00 […]

Jolly Roger coming to Origin, Izumo, and Baja

11/19/2019 Greetings, We are pleased to announce the Origin, Izumo, and Baja release of Jolly Roger will be available following each shard’s normally scheduled maintenance beginning November 20, 2019! Jolly Roger is the fourth and final in our High Seas themed content updates for the year and we are excited to bring updates to holiday favorites such as Holiday Gift Tokens, The Artisan Festival, Krampus and more! Please be sure to check out the publish notes for the latest updates, and participate on the UO Forum in the latest discussions.  Due to the upcoming US Thanksgiving Holiday, this testing period […]