The Herald

Publish 101 Update to TC1



The latest update to Publish 101 is now available on TC1.  Publish 101 is full of new features including 21st Anniversary Rewards, Treasures of Khaldun, and more!  Be sure to check the notes for full release details.  As always we look forward to your feedback.

Please note there is a mandatory client patch associated with this release and you must patch up before accessing TC1 or production shards!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Keep & Castle Contest House Addon Policy



We have seen questions related to the use of House addons for use in Keep & Castle designs.  Your design will not be disqualified if you use various house addons, such as ladders, in the design of the building for staging purposes.  Note, however, that these items will not be copied into the house placement tool.  Only objects placed through the house customization menu will be copied over.

Thank you and good luck to all our architects!

UO Team

New Store Item: Vaults

August 15, 2018


With each shard’s maintenance beginning after August 15th, 2018 at 5pm ET the following updates will be available world wide,

  • Vaults will be available for rent once all shards have been updated.  The Ultima Store will be updated when vaults are available.
  • Fixed an issue with stone boots.


Publish 101 Comes to TC1

Greetings All,

An early version of Publish 101 will be available for testing on TC1 by 4pm ET on August 8, 2018.  The content currently available for testing represents a very small fraction of what we have planned for Publish 101, but we wanted to get the feedback process started as early as possible as well as release the highly anticipated Keep & Castle Customization Contest!  Be sure to check the notes for full release details.  As always we look forward to your feedback.

For the latest updates on Publish 101 be sure to signup for the newsletter!

Please note there is a mandatory client patch associated with this release and you must patch up before accessing TC1 or production shards!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Origin Store Update

Greeting Everyone,

We are happy to announce as of today the issue with the Origin store has been resolved and you can purchase Sovereign Packages once again.  Thank you for your patience in this matter.




UO Herald - Special Announcement

Looking for Japanese Event Moderators

一方で、飛鳥シャードにトレーニングを終え次第、新しいEMが着任する予定であることをお知らせできることを大変うれしく思います。そして、EM Asiantamは9月に大和シャードに復帰の予定です。もし、EMチームにご興味がありましたら、ぜひご連絡ください!

Testing Vaults on TC1

Greetings All,

We are pleased to announce the vault system will be available for testing on TC1 by July 17th, 2018 at 3pm ET. The vault system will be accessible to all players. Players must use the gates provided at the Britain Commons to access the Vault Tokens. We want to give everyone interested in the vault system time to provide feedback, so head on over to TC1 and check them out! You can read all about the vault details here. Don’t forget to send us your feedback.

For testing purposes all vault rentals will last 24 hours instead of 30 days.

There is a mandatory client patch associated with this release. Make sure you patch up your client before trying to access TC1 or production shards

See you in Britannia,
UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Summer is Here! A Gift For You!


Summertime has arrive for (most) of us and to celebrate a “Recipe for an Enchanted Picnic Basket” can be claimed on all shards after 4pm ET on July 17, 2018 by veteran accounts for the next 5 days by visiting the Britain Commons and using the bear statue.  Enjoy!  The bear statues will be placed manually, so please allow some time for placement before visiting the commons.  Happy Summer!

-UO Team