Origin, Baja, and Izumo Storage Update
Greetings Everyone,
We will be bringing down Origin, Baja, and Izumo at approx. 1 pm ET today 4/17/18 for the Endless Journey Bank Storage update. The shards should only be down for approx an hour.
UO Team
A New Shard for a New Legacy
Greetings Everyone,
We will be bringing down Origin, Baja, and Izumo at approx. 1 pm ET today 4/17/18 for the Endless Journey Bank Storage update. The shards should only be down for approx an hour.
UO Team
Greetings Everyone,
As stated last week we will be publishing Endless Journey limited bank box storage today 4/16/2018 by approx 3 pm ET. All Endless Journey accounts will receive a base amount of 20 items ( bank expansions can increase the max item count to 28). Any account over the max limit will be able to view their full banks but will not be able to remove any items at this time. In the near future we will be adding the ability to remove items from the bank that are over the set max limit. Please check it out and give us your feedback, if all goes well we will be putting this out to Origin tomorrow and WW by Wednesday.
UO Team
Greetings Everyone,
We would like to congratulate the winners of raffle for the houses in Ter Mur. Please note these are not grandfathered houses. Below is a list of the shard and character names of the winners.
Legends – Styx
Baja – Carrick
Hokuto – RAVE
Formosa – Flaps el Unic
Izumo – Yasuo
Mizuho – Mercury
Asuka – Keib-Wan
Thank you in advance and have a great day in Britannia!
We would like to update you on storage options that will become available for Endless Journey accounts. All Endless Journey accounts will have access to their bank box providing a reduced amount of secure storage. Former Veteran accounts that return as Endless Journey accounts that have more items than the reduced limit allows will be able to view the contents of the bank, but will not be able to remove any items at this time. We are working on ways to provide access to these items and will update you as these options become available. We hope to have these changes live on Test Center sometime next week, and deployed World Wide as soon as testing permits. Remember you can gain access to all the items in your bank by subscribing at any time.
Endless Journey has brought a new era to Ultima Online and we appreciate your continued patience and feedback while we fine tune the experience to best meet everyone’s needs.
Thank you and see you in Britannia,
UO Team
The Town Cryer is a valuable tool that allows City Governors and Guild Leaders to communicate news to the citizens of the realm. To celebrate the Town Cryer we are happy to share Ink Slinger.
We have corrected an issue preventing redemption of rewards from the dungeon related quests from the Town Cryer. Players who have completed these quests should visit the last NPC in the quest and approach them to redeem their reward. All shards have been published, with the exception of Oceania which will receive the fix following their next scheduled maintenance.
The Moonglow Zoo will temporarily cease accepting donations while we resolve an issue. The Zoo will begin accepting donations following each shard’s normal maintenance.
Publish 99 has been deployed World Wide, introducing a host of new features – most notably Endless Journey!
The transition for closed accounts to Endless Journey accounts has begun and will continue until all accounts have been processed. We appreciate your patience as we work through this process. You will not be able to login until the account has been processed.
Update 4/7/2018 7:19pm ET: The account transition process is continuing. As you may imagine there is a very large number of accounts to process. Thank you for your continued patience while we work through this process. Keep an eye on UO.com for continued updates. You can check the status of your account by visiting the account center and checking the “end date” for Endless Journey accounts. For those accounts that have completed their transition the “end date” will be marked as “N/A”.
Update 4/5/2018 6:00pm ET: The account transition process is continuing. Based on current processing rates we expect this process to take as long as the next 48 hours to complete. We will update this post when the process has fully completed. Thank you for your continued patience while we work through this process.
We look forward to your feedback, and welcome new and returning players back to Britannia! Be sure to check out the forums for the latest conversation on all things Ultima Online.
The raffle stones for the Human & Gargoyle Abyss houses that have been available on select shards will be removed today. We will be announcing the winners on Monday! Good luck!
Please also note that Vendor Search on Origin, Izumo & Baja will not populate properly until vendor owners opt-in/opt-out or those shards go through their next regularly scheduled maintenance.
See you in Britannia,
UO Team
Looking to jump start your Endless Journey in Britannia? The Deluxe Starter Pack is the perfect way to get right into the action! Available from the Ultima Store, the Deluxe Starter pack includes,
To celebrate the dawn of the season of rebirth an “Enchanted Wheelbarrow” can be claimed on all shards after 2pm ET on April 5, 2018 by veteran accounts for the next 5 days by visiting the Britain Commons and using the genie statue. Enjoy! The genie statues will be placed manually, so please allow some time for placement before visiting the commons. Happy Spring!