The Herald

Publish 97 Comes to TC1


We are pleased to announce the first iteration of Publish 97 will be coming to TC1 later this afternoon!  Included in this first release of Publish 97 is the much-anticipated pet revamp.  Make sure you patch up to the latest client before heading over to TC1.  We had several core goals going in to the pet revamp with regard to pets including,

  • Ensuring the Greater Dragon is still a viable pet for those that have and wish to continue to use them.
  • Allow greater diversity of pets that are effective by looking at their survivablilty and allowing animal tamers to customize their pets to increase survivability and variation.
  • Provide an in-game path to learn to use Animal Training with as much information as necessary to make Animal Training something everyone can have fun with.

In order to achieve these goals you can look forward to the following changes with pets,

  • Pets can now be trained beyond their current control slot requirements up to new maximums.
  • Train pets in endless combinations of special abilities, special moves, area effects and magic schools.
  • Customize skill caps and attributes to create new pet variants.
  • Read the full initial release notes here

This is only the first iteration of Publish 97 and at this stage we want to concentrate on testing the Animal Training process.  This includes the in-game path for learning about this new feature, as well as your experience with training pets, the results of customizing pets, and how those customized pets are balanced with the rest of the world.

This is just the first release of Publish 97, in future releases you can look forward to brand new creatures and rare pet color spawns!  Look for more details on these creatures in our next newsletter.

For now, head over to TC1 and check out Animal Training!  As always we look forward to your feedback.! We will be live on TC1 tonight to answers any questions you may have about Animal Training.


See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Ultima Online’s 20th Anniversary Party

Greetings everyone,

We are happy to announce the details of our 20th Year Anniversary Party!.  The dates are September 22nd and 23rd, 2017.  Please go here to read about the activities, the location and rooms, and make sure you fill out the registration page if you are going to be joining us this year to help us celebrate. Please note the registration deadline to take advantage of the discounted room rates is March 31st, 2017.  After that you can still register but the rooms will cost more.  Space is limited so please register early!

To cut down on confusion I am asking each person to register separate not as a group.  This way I can get a more accurate count as to how many rooms I need to block off at a discount rate and how many days needed.  If you plan on coming in on Thursday night and staying after the BBQ , then you will need 3 nights.

We hope we see everyone there to celebrate with us, this is a huge milestone for Ultima Online and we all hope you can be a part of it!

Hope to see you there!!

UO Team

Looking for New Castle Designs

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Let me see if I can’t clear up some confusion.  Please remember we have not finalized any plans as of this date but here is what we are thinking.

  1.  Castle would have the same footprint
  2. The design would still be considered a prefab house
  3. You would be able to access the design via the tool for original placement or via the house sign for a change in design.   We are still working out what happens to items inside the house so stay tuned for upcoming announcements.
  4. When you submit a design idea be very specific as to what you want.
  5. When the final 3 designs are picked we will name them after the designers in game.

I hope this clears up some of the confusion and please remember, these are subject to change the closer we get to actually putting the concept in game.

Thanks everyone and we look forward to seeing your ideas.



Greetings all,

I know we have all talked about this before but I think putting in new castle designs for our 20th year would be something great to do.  So we the team would like to have any designs from you guys.  Looking for 3 stand outs to use.  If you have any ideas or just like to design houses send them to me at

Thanks in advance!


UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 96 Bug Fixes

We are in the process of staging a publish that will be released tomorrow 2/22/2017 during your regular maintenance cycles.  Japanese shards will receive the changes below tonight during their scheduled maintenance.

The changes are as follows:

  1. Doom Dark father will no longer teleport himself to different locations and we  have put a cool down on the number of times he can teleport you to him.  Please remember he is still leashed so you can not remove him from the area.
  2. Putrefier will no longer spawn Elemental and their loot has been greatly reduced.
  3. All versions of Glenda will be reset to their original stats and can no longer be imbued.  Glenda’s additional damage will require 60 tactics to activate. Bone breaker will no longer activate on special abilities and while in Animal forms.
  4. Field spells can once again be cast on stone bridges.
  5. Resolved the issue where targeting mobs with magic would not work properly when you could not target the ground location.

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 96 Update


The following hotfixes have been deployed to all shards, with the exception of Oceania & the Japanese shards which will receive them during their upcoming maintenance periods,

  • Fixed issue where poison application was not functioning properly with Evil Omen.
  • Fixed issue where erroneous resists could be applied to the Gloves of Feudal Grip during the crafting process.  Any items created with this error will be fixed as well.
  • A small number of large buffet tables from the Wedding Package can possibly break when targeting specific tiles within the addon during the redeeding process.  Should you encounter this issue please contact a GM and leave the remaining table pieces. The GM will replace the deed.


Please make sure you patch your client before logging into the game.


See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 96 World Wide


Beginning with the Japanese shards this evening, all shards will be updated to Publish 96 with their regular maintenance by February 9, 2017.  Check out the latest changes in the patch notes here and send us any feedback you have here.  We appreciate everyone’s feedback and assistance during the Publish 96 testing cycle.  Thank you!

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 96 Updates to Origin, Izumo & Baja


As of their last maintenance cycle Origin, Izumo & Baja have received an updated version of Publish 96.  Check out the latest changes in the patch notes here and send us any feedback you have here.  We appreciate everyone’s feedback and assistance as we move through the Publish 96 testing cycle.


See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Publish 96 comes to Origin, Izumo & Baja

Greetings Everyone,

Beginning with Izumo tonight, Origin, Izumo & Baja will receive Publish 96 during their regular maintenance cycles.  Publish 96 is full of new and exciting features, bug fixes, and new content so make sure you check out the full patch notes here and send us any feedback you have here.  Please continue to send in feedback as we look forward to a tentative World Wide release Thursday, February 9, 2017.

The latest client patch and are mandatory, so please make sure you update your UO client before trying to login.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team