The Herald

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 94 Hotfixes

We have addressed a few issues related to Publish 94 which will be pushed out during normal shard maintenance beginning with European shards this evening August 11, 2016.

  • Broken Iron Automaton heads will no longer be incorrectly hued when created.
  • Incorrectly hued (black) Broken Iron Automaton heads can now be resurrected using the repair kit.
  • Automatons will no longer spew blood when damaged.


UO Herald - Special Announcement

Account Management Issues

Good afternoon everyone,

It has come to our attention that some players are having issues accessing the account management page.  We are looking into this issue and will update you when we have resolved the problem.

Thank you!


Ultima Store

Good Afternoon everyone,

Since Publish 94 has been published to all shards now the Ultima Store has been turned back on along with Character Transfer and the Promotional system.

Thank you for your patience and we hope you enjoy Publish 94.

UO Team




Publish 94 Available World Wide

Greetings All,

We are pleased to announce that Publish 94 will be available world wide with each shard’s maintenance cycle beginning the morning of August 10, 2016. US shards will receive it first in the morning.  You can read about the full list of updates here and send any feedback here.

We will be turning off the Ultima Store, Character Transfer, and the Promotional Warehouse until all shards are published.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Siege Perilous Meet and Greet

Greetings all,

We are sorry for the misunderstanding in the scheduling of the Dev Meet and Greet.  We will be holding the Meet and Greet tonight 8/8 at 9 pm ET.  The location is in Serpent’s Hold at the Counselor Hall aka The War Room.  We have placed a moongate to the location near the Luna Moongate.

Hope to see you tonight.

UO Team


UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 94 Update to Origin, Izumo & Baja

Greetings All,

An update will be pushed during the next shard maintenance for Origin, Izumo, and Baja to address the following,

  • Fixes issue where Kotl Artifacts would not spawn in the Kotl City.
  • Fixed issue where champion spawn mobs would continue to spawn after the Champion spawns.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 94 to Origin, Izumo & Baja

Good afternoon everyone,

We will be pushing Publish 94 to Origin, Izumo, and Baja this afternoon, 8/4/2016, at approximately 4 pm ET.  At the time of the publish the Ultima Store, promotional code warehouse, and character transfer warehouse  will be down for the three above named shards  until we publish World Wide on August 10th.

We will also be deploying a patch for the enhanced client to fix an additional crash with Legacy container mode.

Check out the updated publish notes here and send any feedback here.

Thank you in advance for your patience,

UO Team


パブリッシュ94をOrigin、Izumo、Bajaに米現地時間8月4日(木)午後4時頃(日本時間8月5日(金)午前5時頃)導入します。これにともない、ウルティマ ストア、プロモーションコード、キャラクター転送は、米現地時間8月10日(水)に全シャードにパブリッシュが導入されるまでご利用いただけなくなります。

フィードバックは here からお送りください。あなたの忍耐に感謝致します。

UO チーム

Publish 94 Client Update

Greetings all,

A new client will be published out today and it is mandatory that you update your client.

  1. The Terms of Service that is now present in the log in process has been corrected and you will also be able to view a Japanese version of the Terms of Service.
  2.  We have also fixed a crash reported by the players involving the Enhanced client and containers.

Thank you for your patience.

UO Team



Publish 94 Full TC1 Release

Greetings everyone,

By 5:00pm ET 8/2/2016 we will be pushing a new release of Publish 94 to TC1. This is the first full release of Publish 94 to TC1, so make sure you head over and check out all the new features.  As always we will continue to update based on feedback through the TC1 and Origin, Izumo, and Baja. The notes can be found here and be sure to send us feedback here.

We will also be pushing a mandatory client patch as well, so make sure you are running the latest versions of the classic and enhanced clients before trying to login.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 94 Update to TC1

Greetings everyone,

By 5:00pm ET 7/29/2016 we will be pushing a new update of Publish 94 to TC1.  The notes can be found here and be sure to send us feedback here.

Please note that you may encounter CliLoc errors until an updated client is deployed later in the publish cycle.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team