House Customization Warning
Due to an issue with customization, please do not customize your house until further notice.
A New Shard for a New Legacy
Due to an issue with customization, please do not customize your house until further notice.
We will be bringing all the shards offline today, at 3:30 pm EST (20:30 GMT) to apply the following hot fixes:
At this time we anticipate that the shards will be back online no later than 5:30 pm EST (22:30 GMT).
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
We will be bringing the following shards offline tomorrow, December 13th, starting at 5:00 am EST (10:00 GMT) for a hardware upgrade:
At this time we anticipate that the shards will be back online no later than 11:00 am EST (16:00 GMT).
Please be sure to check back here for updates regarding this downtime.
We have staged Publish 80 to be released tomorrow, 12/12 during Maintenance for all servers. The following fixes have been applied to the publish:
For more information regarding the publish, please read the Publish 80 notes.
We will be bringing the Chesapeake and Catskills shards offline tomorrow, December 11th, at 5:00 am EST (10:00 GMT) for a hardware upgrade.
At this time we anticipate that the shards will be back online no later than 10:00 am EST (15:00 GMT).
Please be sure to check back here for updates regarding this downtime.
The following updates have been applied to Publish 80:
There have been some very creative Holiday Contest entries submitted to our friends at UO Stratics. Though the deadline to submit entries has passed, you can now choose the winners by casting votes for your favorite UO Holiday House. Just go to the Holiday Season Contest Voting Page and select your favorite!
Publish 80.0.0 has been patched to TC1.
Click on more to see the publish notes in all their bug slaying glory!
It is now possible to re-deed container house add-ons
We are experiencing a technical issue with the Veteran Rewards and housing. We are currently working on the issue and hope to have it fixed soon.
Thank you for your patience.
Update: Due to some unforeseen technical issues, the upgrade for the Atlantic Shard has been delayed until tomorrow, December 5th at 5:00 am EST (10:00 GMT). At this time we anticipate that the shard will be back online no later than 8:00 am EST (13:00 GMT).
This is a reminder that we will be bringing the Atlantic shard offline tomorrow, December 4th, at 5:00 am EST (10:00 GMT) for a hardware upgrade.
At this time we anticipate that the shard will be back online no later than 10:00 am EST (15:00 GMT).
Please be sure to check back here for updates regarding this downtime.