Bold treasure seekers rejoice as maps to untold riches can be found throughout the realm! Treasure Maps can be obtained as loot from various creatures throughout Britannia Scribes are able to create an “Decryption Cipher” which can be used to decode maps and obtain rough co-ordinates without the need for additional skills. Treasure Chests can be unlocked via a variety of craftable tools, Skeleton Keys from Blacksmiths (number of charges raises with rarer ore types) Improvised Lockpicks from Alchemists Treasure Maps can be untrapped via a variety of craftable tools, Pressure Wedge from Carpenters (number of charges raises with rarer […]
Dungeon Despise is found deep in the mountains North of Britain (48.04’N 1.41’W 1299, 1077). On entering the dungeon the adventurer is confronted by two stairways. The more northern leads upwards to an area populated by lizardmen. The level is also liberally peppered with barrels and crates, all locked and trapped. These provide excellent training for lockpickers and can supply magic scrolls with which to fill a spell book. The second staircase leads downwards where the occupants are ettins and earth elementals. At the far south west corner of this level is found another downward leading staircase, the third and […]
The entrance to the Felucca Dragon Turtle Champion is found deep in Destard, where a tunnel is found beside the staircase between levels 2 and 3. Passing through this entrance the adventurer finds himself in a winding corridor culminating in a bridge, crossing the bridge reveals the champion area. The altar, marked by the skull pin, is found in the center of the desert area. Unfortunate adventurers can resurrect at the ankh to the north while two teleport sparkles offer an exit point. The southern exit leads back to Destard, the point is marked 10 on the Destard map. […]
There are two maps for each facet, one showing primary locations and the other a co-ordinate grid intended to aid treasure hunters and fishermen. Click on each small map to expand it to its full size. Felucca Maps Trammel Maps Ilshenar Maps Malas Maps Tokuno Maps Ter Mur Maps Valley of Eodon Maps
There are a total of 12 spawns spread all over the Lost Lands in Felucca. The 5 Felucca Dungeon monster groups rotate randomly between all these locations, except for ‘Oaks’, which is always Forest Lord. Names given are those by which they are known to most players, and by which they are referred to in conversations. Click on those names below to view more information on each location. Also marked on the map are teleporters found in the Ice East and Ice West areas (T1 – T5), exits from Lost Lands (E1 – E12). More information on these features can […]
Map Carrying Monsters | Decode Skill Needed | Finding the Chest | Lockpick Requirements |Inaccessible Locations | Chest Content & Guardians | Completed Maps A major update in publish 105, Spring 2019, reduced the number of map levels from 7 to 5 In addition, treasure chests have now been themed based on the following profession inspired packages: Artisan Assassin Mage Ranger Warrior This results in a map that will read like this “A Tattered Treasures Map Leading to a Mage’s Hoard” There are also three qualities of chest, rusty, the familiar normal metal or gold. Chest Quality is determined at […]
11/7/2024 As of its regularly scheduled maintenance on November 7th, 2024 we have deployed the following hotfix to Origin only: Shadow’s Awakening The time to kill the manifestation of Evil will dynamically adjust based on how fast it is dying Treasure Hunters that help contribute to summoning the Manifestation of Evil will have a chance at a drop when they are present for the kill Shadow Hounds now have a chance to spawn from Cache, Hoard, and Trove maps in all facets Nightmares / Totem of Chromatic Fortune Players not in the same party or guild as the totem owner […]
Publish 118 will be released in phases over the next few months. Stay up to date with the latest changes with the publish notes listed below. Publish 118.2 TC 1 Release – 11/7/2024 Origin, Izumo, Baja Release – 11/14/2024 Changes from TC1 to Origin Towns that are currently experiencing an Artisan Festival will be exempt from Invasion An additional cloak has been added to the reward pool Invasion paragons will no longer be immune to life leech, but instead have the amount of life than can be leeched capped Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum Necromatic powers are causing the undead […]
Heartwood Hidden below Yew in both Felucca and Trammel, these elven towns have no shops, the residents have no use for gold, but are avid givers of Quests of all types. Elders, Lorekeepers and guards are found in many locations and a group of arcanists reside in a remote corner, An often sought Lorekeeper is Calendor, he is found just beyond the bowcrafters. Crafters undertaking quests for their Elven counterparts can be rewarded with recipes enabling them to make Elven items. Entrance to the town is through a sparkle portal in the center of Yew (55.27’N 55.20’W 536, 993) Areas […]
Found in the ‘targeting’ section of the ‘actions’ menu and used in macros, this function is a boon to many characters. Its use is governed by the tool type. Mining More obviously used to mine ore, placing a shovel or pick in the box also gives the miner the option to mine sand, provided the appropriate book has been purchased from Ter Mur and read by the miner. Less obviously it also gives characters undertaking the quest The Witches Apprentice the option to dig graves for Bones Buried In Hallowed Ground. Below is an example showing how the action could […]