Gargoyle Queen Loyalty

Revision for “Gargoyle Queen Loyalty” created on October 6, 2015 @ 10:00:39

Gargoyle Queen Loyalty
<h3>The Rewards of Loyalty</h3> The Gargoyle Queen is careful of her lands and property. In order to build a house in her domain, or to use the special soulforge in her palace, you must first prove your loyalty, only Nobles are allowed these privileges. Loyalty is shown by a points score, the more services you undertake for the queen and her subjects the more loyalty points you will have. What services can you perform for the Queen? <ul> <li>You can kill troublesome monsters for her, overland, in the Tomb of Kings, in the Abyss beyond the Tomb and in Underworld.</li> <li>You can undertake quests for her citizens</li> </ul> <h4>Loyalty Levels</h4> <ul> <li><em>Below 0:</em> Enemy</li> <li><em>0-1999:</em> Friend</li> <li><em>2000-9999:</em> Citizen</li> <li><em>10,000-15000 (maximum):</em> Noble</li> </ul> <h4>Point Levels</h4> <dl class="loyal"><dt>2 Points</dt><dd>Fire Ants, Lava Lizards, Lava Snakes.</dd><dt>3 Points</dt><dd>Coral Snake, Korpre, Ortanord.</dd><dt>5 Points</dt><dd>Clan Ribbon Courtier, Daemon, Trapdoor Spiders, Gremlin, Wolf Spider, Axem's "A Broken Vase" quest.</dd><dt>8 Points</dt><dd>Gray Goblins, Green Goblins</dd><dt>10 Points</dt><dd>Anlorzen, Anzuanord, Betballem, Lowland Bouras, Kepetch, Gray Goblin Keeper, Gray Goblin Mage, Green Goblin Alchemist, Green Goblin Scout, Rotworm.</dd><dt>15 Points</dt><dd>Skree, Slith, Bloodworm, High Plains Boura, Putrid Undead Gargoyle, Axem's "Putting The Pieces Together" quest.</dd><dt>20 Points</dt><dd>Anlorlem, Ballem, Raptors, Relanord, Stone Slith, Lava Elemental, Iron Beetle.</dd><dt>25 Points</dt><dd>Kepetch Ambusher.</dd><dt>30 Points</dt><dd>Toxic Slith.</dd><dt>35 Points</dt><dd>Aliabeth The Tinker's "A Worthy Proposition" quest</dd><dt>50 Points</dt><dd>Anlorvaglem, Vitavi [Renowned], Wyvern [Renowned], Axem's "Ye Olde Gargish" quest, Aliabeth the Tinker's "The Exchange" quest</dd><dt>75 Points</dt><dd>Sliem the Fence's "Unusual Goods" quest, Navrey Night-eyes, Niporailem The Thief</dd></dl><dl class="loyal"><dt>2000 Points</dt><dd>Make a new gargoyle character.</dd></dl>

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
October 6, 2015 @ 10:00:39 Mariah