House Teleportation Tiles

Revision for “House Teleportation Tiles” created on October 6, 2015 @ 09:57:31

House Teleportation Tiles
Pairs of placeable house teleporter tiles are available in two types: <ul> <li>Through the Veteran reward system, the teleporter tile set is a year 12 reward (144 months) <a href=""><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6879" src="" alt="portal" width="44" height="44" /></a> Although the character claiming this item must meet the age requirement, once claimed they can be used and placed by anyone regardless of age.</li> <li>Through purchase from Origin Store <a href=""><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6880" src="" alt="portal_pink" width="51" height="55" /></a> This type of teleporter holds charges. You are able to recharge the tiles with gate scrolls, each gate scroll adds 5 charges. The max number of gate scrolls the teleport can hold at any given time is 200 ie 1000 charges.</li> </ul> Teleportation tiles allow characters to teleport within the same house or inside another house where the 2nd teleporter has been placed. <ul> <li>Cross-facet teleportation will work as long as the character is allowed on that facet.</li> <li>Only the owner or co-owner of each house can place the teleporters and can set the security level on them.</li> <li>These must be locked down inside a house to be functional.</li> <li>To place the teleporters: <ul> <li>The character must meet lockdown permission of the origin teleporter.</li> <li>The character must have house access permission of the destination home.</li> <li>The character may not be flagged criminal or in the heat of battle.</li> <li>The character must meet facet restrictions (flagged criminal, young player, or expansion entitlement).</li> <li>The character must meet teleport restrictions (no dragging items or overweight characters).</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <h4>Unlinked Teleporters</h4> If two House Teleporters of the same type are not linked to each other, it is possible to form a link between the two. To do this: <ol> <li>Have both House Teleporters in your backpack.</li> <li>Double-click on one House Teleporter.</li> <li>When the targeting cursor appears, target the other House Teleporter.</li> <li>The two House Teleporters will then be linked and can be used for teleporting between each location when locked down in a house.</li> </ol> This is an exclusive link, old link associations will be broken when the new link is formed. If a placed teleporter becomes unlinked for any reason the teleporter will become dark grey.

OldNewDate CreatedAuthorActions
October 6, 2015 @ 09:57:31 Mariah