Wiki > Ultima Online Wiki > New Legacy, An Overview > Legendary Foes & Champions Rewards > Titanweave Spider
Note: Resist properties on armor sets, hit chance increase and damage increase on weapons and spell damage increase on spellbooks are subject to the congiarium level
- Reward Title – Webwalker
- Paralysed rabbit, lure for Arantress
- Armor Set: Studded Leather hue id 1819
- Titanweave Helm
- Titanweave Gloves
- Titanweave Sleeves
- Titanweave Leggings
- Titanweave Tunic (Male and Female Versions)
- Widow’s Wall (order shield) hue id 2106
- Arachnid Slayer Weapons 50 physical/50% fire damage(remaining properties subject to congiarium level)
- Spider Skewer (kryss) hue id 2114
- Titanweave Fang (skinning knife) hue id 1819
- Titanweave Bow (bow)
- Venomhewer (Double Axe) hue id 1423
- Carapace Crusher (Hammer Pick) hue id 2508
- Web Woven Quiver (This item is also available from the Legendary Artifact Trader)
- Weight 8 stones
- Ammo 0/500 arrows
- Archery Damage Modifier 10%
- Hit Point Increase 2
- Stamina Increase 7
- Contents 0/1items 0/50 stones
- Weight Reduction 30%
- Spider Eye Talisman (This item is also available from the Legendary Artifact Trader)
- Weight 1 Stone
- Hit Point Increase 5
- Stamina Increase 2
- Mana Increase 5
- Durability 200/200
- Titanweave Shroud (This item is also available from the Legendary Artifact Trader)
- Hooded Robe
- Weight 1 stone
- Stamina Increase 5
- Mana Increase 5
- Durability 200/200