New Legacy Skills – Advanced Skills Trainers

Wiki > Ultima Online Wiki > New Legacy, An Overview > New Legacy Skills - Advanced Skills Trainers

Once a character achieves GM status, supplementary skills may be added by speaking to either an ‘Advanced Skill Trainer’ or begin a further narrative . Characters on the Divergent path will need to have 600 skill points and all fighting characters, both divergent and narrative paths, must first complete the orc champion encounter. Note: Endless Journey accounts are unable to learn additional skills.

This page deals with advanced skill trainers

Magery Advanced Skill Trainer

Found in the in Moonglow Reagent Shop or the east wing of the arcanist guild building behind the Lyceum

Alchemy Advanced Training Trainer

Found in Encyclopedia Magicka in Trinsic or Ethereal Good in Britain

Archery Advanced Skill Trainer

Found in the Ranger’s Guild, Skara Brae or Quality Fletching in Britain

Animal Taming Advanced Skill Trainer

Found at the Western corner of Moonglow Zoo

Assassin Advanced Skill Trainer

Found in the basement of The Salty Dog in Britain.

Bard Advanced Skill Trainer

Found in the Conservatory of Music in Britain

 Warrior Advanced Skill Training

Found at the Brotherhood of Trinsic Guild House