UO Herald - Special Announcement

Castle Keep Customize Issues

9/15/2018 Good afternoon everyone, Due to major issues that have come up with converting to the new Castle/Keep designs,  we will be reverting  Baja,and Origin back to yesterday at 3 am ET.  We are not turning off housing but you will no longer be able to convert your present Castles and Keeps. You will still be able to place the new designs from the House Placement Tool . We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you and we will keep you informed when these issues are resolved. Have a great weekend, UO Team  

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Contest Housing Pricing Update

9/14/2018 Greetings, Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback on the cost of the contest houses.  We will be updating Origin & Baja this afternoon to reflect new prices.  Izumo will receive updated pricing with its next normally scheduled maintenance. The cost of these homes for Siege Perilous will be reflective of the increased value of gold on Siege compared to production shards. The new costs for new homes will be as follows, Production   Siege             See you in  Britannia, UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

September Meet and Greet Schedule

Greetings everyone, With trying to get the publish out the door time got away from us for September.  We will only be doing one meet and greet in September which will be September 17th, 2018 on Asuka at 9 am ET For October we will be on Sonoma on October 1st at 9pm ET. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there. UO Team    

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Contest Housing Pricing

9/13/2018 Greetings, We have seen quite a bit of discussion relating to the cost of contest housing recently introduced with Publish 101.  Firstly, the cost of contest housing will be uniform across all shards, including Siege Perilous. As far as the costs of these homes in relation to legacy housing, we want to share with you why these homes cost substantially more than a standard castle.  One of the top 5 most common areas of feedback we receive is that the game world lacks adequate gold sinks to effectively combat inflation within the economy.  One of the most effective ways […]

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Keep & Castle Contest House Addon Policy

8/20/2018 Greetings, We have seen questions related to the use of House addons for use in Keep & Castle designs.  Your design will not be disqualified if you use various house addons, such as ladders, in the design of the building for staging purposes.  Note, however, that these items will not be copied into the house placement tool.  Only objects placed through the house customization menu will be copied over. Thank you and good luck to all our architects! UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Origin Store Update

Greeting Everyone, We are happy to announce as of today the issue with the Origin store has been resolved and you can purchase Sovereign Packages once again.  Thank you for your patience in this matter. Mesanna    

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Looking for Japanese Event Moderators

こんにちは、皆さん。 私たちは日本シャードのEMチームに加わってくださる、楽しいことが大好きで、創造的な人物を求めています。何名かのEMが個人的な仕事上、あるいは健康上の理由でEM業務の継続が困難になりました。募集枠は3名です。このポジションは有償となっており、応募される方は契約書への記入が必要になります。日本シャードのEMチームに十分な人数が確保できるまで、私たちはその他のシャードをカバーすることはしません。これは苦しい決断でしたが、今後お知らせがあるまで以下のシャードでイベントが行われることはありません。 無限 倭国 出雲 一方で、飛鳥シャードにトレーニングを終え次第、新しいEMが着任する予定であることをお知らせできることを大変うれしく思います。そして、EM Asiantamは9月に大和シャードに復帰の予定です。もし、EMチームにご興味がありましたら、ぜひご連絡ください! よろしくお願い致します。 Mesanna

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Summer is Here! A Gift For You!

Greetings, Summertime has arrive for (most) of us and to celebrate a “Recipe for an Enchanted Picnic Basket” can be claimed on all shards after 4pm ET on July 17, 2018 by veteran accounts for the next 5 days by visiting the Britain Commons and using the bear statue.  Enjoy!  The bear statues will be placed manually, so please allow some time for placement before visiting the commons.  Happy Summer! -UO Team