UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 93 Updates

Greetings everyone, The issue stopping players from subbing their accounts  as they would normally is now resolved! Update to the account center: We still do not have the issue resolved but for the time being you are able to us paypal or buy game time codes from Origin to apply to the account center .   The EA cards are also another source for payment until we can get this issue resolved.   Greetings Everyone, Due to a few critical issues with the in-game store we have changed the rules to the following: You can only access the in-game store […]

UO Herald - Hotfix

Promotional Warehouse going down

Greetings everyone, Today (5/26/2016) at approximately 5 pm EDT we will taking down the Promotional Code Redemption Warehouse in preparation of setting up the Ultima Online In-Game store.  The warehouse will be down until May 31st when we publish Pub 93 to all shards. Thank you for your patience and understanding. UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 93 – Dungeon Issues

Greetings everyone, We appreciate the information provided regarding the dungeon maps being corrupted and have found the issue causing this in the Classic Client.  The fix should correct the crashing and visual issues you are seeing in the dungeons which should be available in approximately 1 hour. UO Team  

UO Herald - Hotfix

Enhanced Client Bug Fix

We are putting out a new client today to fix an issue in the Enhanced Client.  We are planning on publishing to Origin, Izumo, and Baja by Thursday May 19th if all goes as planned. Resolved enhanced client generic gump issue which caused certain text to not or incorrectly display. Thanks again for all the feedback and keep it coming! UO Team  

UO Herald - Hotfix

Bug fix with Rental vendors

Greetings all, We have resolved an issue with IDOC houses and rental vendors.  After your shard is published when you claim your vendor you will now receive all wearables on the vendor. Japan has already received this publish during their normal maintenance cycle this afternoon the rest of the shards will receive it on 3/21/2016 during your regular schedule maintenance. Thank you, UO Team    

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 92 Bug fixes

Greetings everyone, We are publishing the following during normal maintenance cycles starting tonight with the European shards.  Remember character transfer will be out of sync till all servers are published.  Resolved an issue where pet owners would lose pets after completing the Shadowguard encounter if they log out of the game. All Trappers associated with the Tiger Cub rescue quest now have a limited life span. Gargoyle pick axes can now be used to complete the volcano quest. Players can now resign from the Great Ape Quest Players can now interact with a locked down lava rock display. Volcano elementals […]

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 92 Bug fixes

Greetings All, We are in the process of putting out another publish today starting with the Japanese shards during their normal maintenance cycle.  Below are the issues that were fixed: Resolved an issue with dragging items and having the item  get stuck in your pack or drop to the ground. Stealable Carved Mymidex Glyph has been fixed Enhanced Client Bug Fix – Spell icons that include menu selections via the icon (spell trigger, enchant, polymorph and summon familiar) will now function properly again. Thank you for all your feedback and your patience.  We will be  discussing among the team and at our […]

UO Herald - Hotfix

Auction Safe Bug Fixes

Greetings Everyone, We have published a fix for the following issues regarding the Auction Safe:  Blessed tag will no longer be removed. Resolved  issue where auction item would not be delivered if player was not on the same character that placed the winning bid. All shards except the Japanese shards have these fixes, it will be published to Japanese shards during maintenance today. Thank you, UO Team    

UO Herald - Hotfix

Hotfix: House Storage Issue

We have identified an issue where the number of lockdowns available in a house was incorrectly impacted by the presence of certain items.  This issue will be resolved after maintenance on 11/19/2015.