The Herald

UO Herald - Lore

The Mortal Game


As we continue the story of Forsaken Foes, we invite you to sit back and enjoy The Mortal Game.

By EM Malachi

The Mortal Game

It bothered the king that the pieces did not match. His side was made from obsidian, beautifully sculpted into the expected shapes. The crafter had taken more liberty with red’s side, giving extra details to each of the bloodwood pieces. The knights were decorated with curved swords, and the bishops had gargoyle features. The towers were topped with sharp points that reminded Blackthorn of wolf claws. The board and pieces had been a gift from Lord Batlin when the king suggested they play this game.

The king steepled his fingers and examined the board. His opponent was aggressive; Blackthorn had already lost much dealing with Batlin’s knights. Still, the king had retaken initiative when he sent his own knights into the enemy ranks. As long as there were no other surprises…


 The gourd-festooned sloop slammed into the larger merchant galleon, and zombies with pumpkin heads scrambled to board the other ship.

 The zombie crew started killing its counterpart and dragged the bodies back to their ship. A living sailor lopped the head off one of the abominations, but the animate flesh kept moving until the rotting hands were around the sailor’s throat.


Batlin smiled as his claw-topped rook captured a pawn in black’s ranks and put Blackthorn’s king in check. Blackthorn’s own rook was trapped and would soon be captured, and many of his defenders were scattered or busy on other parts of the board. “Let me know if you wish to resign.”

Blackthorn shook his head and moved a bishop to defend the king. The diagonal movement of bishops reminded him of mages, always moving at strange angles to everything else.


The mage had taken extra care with his binding circle, even using expensive silver-dust chalk. Daemonology was frowned on even here in Moonglow, so he had taken these precautions.

 The mage began the ritual to summon and control a demon. Halfway into the delicate casting, his connection to the magic in the room broke. The failed spell started a fire, and the creature escaped the binding circle. As demonic claws tore into the mage, he was still puzzling out what had happened.


Batlin knocked over his own king with a finger. “An excellent game. Perhaps we will play again.”

Blackthorn studied the final board. “I’m sure we will.”

“May I ask a question?”

“Of course.”

“From your reputation, I expected a more lively game or at least a nearly empty endgame. It seemed at times you were more focused on preventing the capture of your pawns than protecting your king.”

“I have a certain affection for pawns. After all, we are all just pawns in this life.”

Batlin gave a nod. “That we are.”


 In the ethereal void, the Time Lord strained against his chains as hundreds of spirits tore apart the shrine around him, directed by a voice in the darkness.

UO Herald - Lore

October Shadows


As we continue the story of Forsaken Foes, we invite you to sit back and enjoy October Shadows

By EM Malachi

October Shadows

The hallway held a macabre mockery of various holidays. An indoor garden of gourds and nightshade grew pumpkins already carved with sinister glowing runes. Brightly colored eggs filled with bees twitched in a basket guarded by a rabid rabbit. A mounted reindeer skull decorated with pine garland tried to bite the ranger as he walked past. Shamino tightened his grip on his sword and stepped around the various horrors.

When his initial search for the Serpent Amulet had come to a dead end, Shamino tracked a powerful source of necromancy here. He believed it was responsible for upsetting the spirits across Britannia.

At the end of the hall, a man wearing a pumpkin on his head sat on a throne of glass candy canes. “Welcome, Shamino. You may call me Jack.”

Shamino asked, “Have we met before?”

“The twins told me about you. Twins… so lucky to have someone who understands you and who can donate blood should the need arise. You don’t have a twin, do you?”

Shamino shook his head and raised his sword.

“A pity. I would have liked a matched set. I suppose conversations about kith and kin shall have to wait.”

“What are you planning?”

“The twins helped me hear my inner voice. That voice has told me so much.” Jack poured a pouch of grave dust into his hand.

Shamino swung his sword down on the necromancer. Jack disappeared and the strike shattered the glass throne. Jack appeared on the other side of Shamino. His skeletal fingers sank into the ranger’s flesh. Shamino had never felt anything so painful. He tried to raise his sword again, but felt nothing. Shamino looked down and saw his body crumpled on the ground.

Jack laughed at the disembodied ranger. “What shall I sew your soul into? My screaming ship could use more crew.”

Shamino knew he had one chance to avoid becoming another of Jack’s abominations. He focused on escape, sacrificing a fragment of his soul to wrench free from the deranged necromancer’s grip. Shamino desperately fled into the grey between life and death. He saw a great glowing beacon, and willed his spirit toward it. Getting closer, the light kept pulling on his mana and memories, and Shamino fought, grasping at whatever he could hold.

The ranger’s spirit clung to the side of the Well of Souls, waiting to be found.

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Europa Shard Stability



We are aware the Europa shard has been experiencing instability.  We are investigating the issue and appreciate your patience while we work towards a resolution.

-UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Forsaken Foes Hotfixes



As of each shard’s normal maintenance on 9/25/2019 the following hotfixes have been deployed,

  • Resolved issue where Forsaken Foes creatures would have their corpses deleted upon death
  • Resolved issue where attempting to complete the Fellowship Quest in Blackthorn’s Dungeon in multiple facets could cause the player to be unable to progress through the quest
  • Resolved issue where new recipes could not be placed in the recipe book
  • Resolved unused tiles at various Shrines
  • Resolved issue where Cleanup Britannia Points for magical equipment with negative properties would have the incorrect turnin value

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Community

Ultima Online Turns 22 and the Legacy Forges On!


On this day in 1997 thousands of people from around the world entered a world born of mystic arts and ancient sorcery. 22 years later and millions have forged the legacy of one of the longest running MMORPGs of all time.  From the entire Ultima Online team we want to thank each and every one of you who have been a part of this incredible journey!  What’s your UO legacy?  Head on over to our Facebook page or the UO Forums to share your UO legacy today!

Long Live Britannia!

UO Herald - Lore

As the Ages Roll Away


As we head into the opening act of Forsaken Foes we invite you to sit back and enjoy, As the Ages Roll Away

by EM Malachi

The Spiritwood

The swirl of glowing mana surprised the young ranger, and his axe slipped. Instead of the sapling he meant to cut, Shamino hit his own leg.

The mana coalesced into a strange Moongate, and a young man stepped through. The stranger gave the bleeding ranger a look of shock and dropped what he was holding: a glowing serpent amulet.


The Bloody Plains

Each had brought an army. The king of Britain had marched from his capital, and Shamino had marched his forces west from a small fishing village called Vesper. Now they stood together for the final battle of the war. They would defeat Mondain’s forces, or they would perish along with the hopes of all Sosaria.

Shamino remarked that his friend was not wearing the amulet that had brought him to Sosaria.

The king nodded. “I am not going anywhere.”


The Throne Room

 Shamino heard the whispers from the castle staff and royal officials as he headed into the throne room. The day he worried about had come, so he went to confront his friend. “Is it true that you’re leaving?”

Rule may have aged the king of Britannia, but his face still held the same solemn conviction as when they first met. “Shamino, I do this to protect all of you. I must keep the fragments of the Gem far from those who could misuse them.”

“But who will take your place?”

“If I offered you the crown, would you accept it?”

Shamino shook his head. “No. I have already failed one kingdom.”

The king gave his friend a sad smile. “You are better than you know.  Someday, our people will need you to keep them safe.”

“How can I do that?”

“I am leaving something to help. The amulet that brought me to Sosaria is hidden for you to find. In a dream, a man in chains told me that there will come a day when you will need it.”


The Well of Souls

“Wake up!”

Startled awake, Shamino drew his sword and prepared for an attack. The old ranger sat across the dying fire from him, ghostly hands gripping the memory of a longbow. The shade watched as Shamino got to his feet. “This is no time to rest. There’s a storm coming.”

Shamino looked up at the night sky, but he saw no clouds in the world of the living. Still, he felt the disturbance. After Lithos had destroyed the capstone of the Well of Souls, more and more spirits got lost on their way to whatever came next. However, this was the first time a spirit had come back. The Ranger Barren had died seven seasons earlier, peacefully in his sleep.

“Why are you here?” Shamino asked.

The spirit gave him a strange look. “Can you not hear the Voice calling, brother?”

“No, I don’t. What’s it saying?”

The dead man seemed to fight off the influence long enough to give a hand gesture of warning. His face went blank again, and the shade started to walk out over the water. From the Well of Souls, other ghosts began appearing, streaming in eight directions.

Forsaken Foes – World Wide Release



We are pleased to announce that as of each shard’s normal maintenance beginning September 17, 2019 Forsaken Foes will be deployed world wide.

A few highlights in Forsaken Foes include –

  • 22nd Anniversary Rewards – Ultima Online turns 22 this year, a special gift for our dedicated players!
  • Treasures of the Sea – collect souls using Ethereal Soulbinders and redeem them for brand new equipment recipes!
  • Scalis, Charybdis, and Corgul – updated loot including brand new equipment recipes, the hungry coconut crab pet, and a re-introduction of Leurocian’s Mempo of Fortune!
  • Aquarium Update with over 50 new creatures to collect and 3 new aquariums to build!
  • Halloween favorites coming October 1st – Trick or Treating, Carveable Pumpkins, and Zombie Skeletons!

This is just a small sampling of everything that is included in this publish, check out the Forsaken Foes publish notes for more details!

We are also pleased to announce the winners of the Castle Contents!

  • The Sorcerer’s Castle by Oasis
  • The Castle Cascade by Imbri Malifica
  • The House Built on the Ruins by Wendy
  • The Sandstone Fortress of Grand Cross by Grand Bishop
  • The Dragonstone Castle by Bree
  • The Terrace Gardens by Violet

A special thank you to all the players who participated in our public testing events and provided great feedback!

See you on the High Seas,

UO Team