The Herald

UO Herald - Hotfix

Character Transfer Warehouse Maintenance

Greetings everyone,

I am sorry to inform everyone that due to additional maintenance required on the Character Transfer Warehouse we will not be turning it back on today.  We hope to have it ready to turn back on by tomorrow 7/13 at approx 2 pm ET.

Thank you once again for your patience.

UO Team



Publish 100 World Wide


Beginning with each shard’s normally scheduled maintenance on June 28th, 2018 (ET) Publish 100 will be released world wide.  Be sure to check the notes for full release details.  As always, we look forward to your feedback.  We have also updated TC1, Origin, Baja, and Izumo addressing issues we found related to fixes for Shadowguard.  These updated changes will be released world wide as well on the 28th.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Publish 100 Comes to Origin, Baja, and Izumo

Greetings All,

We are pleased to announce that Publish 100 will be available on Origin, Baja, and Izumo by 12pm ET June 21, 2018.  Be sure to check the notes for full release details.  As always, we look forward to your feedback.

There is a mandatory client patch associated with this release.  Make sure you patch up your client before trying to access all shards.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Publish 100 Client Patch Update


A new mandatory client patch has been deployed to resolve the following client issues,

  • Some locations in Felucca would appear to have incorrect worldbuilding.
  • Correct issue where new pet damage number colors would not display correctly.

Please note this is a mandatory client patch and you will need to update your client before  accessing Test Center or Production shards.

We are aware of issues with the Alacrity Token included in the Deluxe Starter Pack.  These tokens will be fixed when  Publish 100 goes World Wide.   Please know that when you purchase a token then shard transfer the token will not recognize the player.  You also cannot purchase this from another player.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Looking for Event Moderators

Greetings everyone,

I currently have several positions open in the Event Moderator program.  Since this is a contracted position you must be 18 years old to apply.  We have the following shards looking for Event Moderators:

Lake Superior






If you are interested in joining our family please email me at,  with the following information:

  1.  Account names (no passwords)
  2. What are some of your character names?
  3.  How long have you played UO?
  4. Have you ever conducted any player events?
  5. Are you a rares collector?
  6. Send a small summary of an event you would like to run and include a sample of the type of reward you would like to give.
  7. What shard are you are interested in EMing on?  Remember you can not EM on a shard you play on.

After I receive your application I will check your account for any strikes against it.  If all looks good I will contact you for an interview.   Thank you in advance for your interest in the Event Moderator Program.


Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong

UO Producer




Publish 100 Release 2 Comes to TC1

Greetings All,

We are pleased to announce the next TC1 Publish release will be available for testing on TC1 by 2pm ET June 14, 2018.  Publish 100 is full of bug fixes, so head over to TC1 to check out the latest update.  Be sure to check the notes for full release details.  As always, we look forward to your feedback.

There is a mandatory client patch associated with this release.  Make sure you patch up your client before trying to access TC1 or production shards.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

New Ultima Store Item: Virtue Shield

Aiming to become a paragon of virtue?  This stylish Virtue Shield is sure to draw the attention even the most discerning of warriors!    This shield grants a bonus to virtue points gained while equipped!  The shield also provides resists, penalty free spell channeling, and defense chance increase!  Humans, elves, and gargoyles alike can take advantage of personalizing their shield with metallic, plant, and specialty pigments.  Get your Virtue Shield from the Ultima Store today!