Ultima Online


Tailoring is the skill which allows a character to make clothing and leather armor, it has much in common with blacksmithing in that training to 70 skill can be done through Bulk Orders interspersed with Tailoring Quests from Heartwood Elves. When working with leather to make armor, armslore, base properties, material bonuses and runic bonuses also apply. Creating your tailor Ultima Online being the sandbox it is, nothing is set in stone. Suggested skills are: Tailoring; obviously, select this as a starting skill at 50% (there is no accelerated gain quest for this skill) Arms Lore; gives bonuses to exceptionally […]

Ultima Online

Crafter Quests – Tailor

Tailoring quests can be obtained from Ahie, Thallary, Sleen or Waelian in Heartwood or Tallinin in Sanctuary. Recipes from these quests will allow you to make Craftable Magic Weapons. Rare recipes will allow you to make Craftable Artifacts       Ahie the Cloth Weaver Quest Name: From the Gaultier collection Make: 10 Studded Bustier Quest Name: The Puffy Shirt Make: 10 Fancy Shirts Quest Name: Haute Courture Make: 10 Flower Garlands Quest Name: The King of Clothing Make: 10 Kilts Sleen the Trinket Weaver Quest Name: From the Gaultier collection Make: 10 Studded Bustier Thallery the Cloth Weaver Quest […]

Ultima Online

Farmer Nash’s Quest

Farmer Nash can be found on the Eastern outskirts of the Holy City, just south of the Tomb of Kings.Help him to find his pitchfork by pulling the weeds in his garden until you uncover it. (Pull weeds by double clicking them). Full Quest Text: I hate to trouble you, but sometimes a problem needs a plow and sometimes it needs a sword. I am good with a plow, but terrible with a sword. I have been plagued with a strange week for some time. Every day I have to clean them out of my garden and carry them away […]

Ultima Online

Fame and Karma

Actions in Ultima Online build the character’s reputation. Reputation being the combination of their fame and karma. Fame is gained through acts of heroism, fighting monsters or of industry, completing and turning in Bulk Orders. Karma is the result of the characters good or evil deeds. You can see your fame and karma levels through your characters context menu by selecting ‘loyalty rating’. Karma has a range of -32,000 to +32,000 points with the highest and lowest karma titles being attained at plus or minus 10,000. Karma is also important for the skills of Chivalry and Necromancy where it has […]

Ultima Online


While items made out of normal iron, wood, granite or leather, either crafted or found as loot, lack the special material bonuses applied by using colored versions of the resource, a skilled craftsman still has the ability to enhance the item after the fact. Plain weapons or armor can be enhanced with special materials using the ‘Enhance’ option on the relevant craft menu. These craft menus are: Blacksmithing Bowcrafting Carpentry Stonecrafting Tailoring Tinkering Success will add the material’s fixed properties (bonuses) to the item. For a list of properites that can be infused into an item by enhancing it see […]

Ultima Online

Heritage Quest – Elf to Human

This counterpart to the quest allowing human characters to become elves allows for the reverse transition, however this quest is considerably more difficult, requiring a much higher level of combat ability To begin this journey visit Nedrick the Iron Worker, you will find him in Serpent’s Hold on the bridge between the bank location and the main part of the town. Like Darius, he begins to talk to you as you approach, be sure to listen to all he has to say. Patricus the Trader – Heave Ho! Patricus is located Near the Majestic Boat shipwright in Vesper, Trammel. Patricus’ […]

Ultima Online

Heritage Quest – Human to Elf

Mondain’s Legacy introduced a new race – the elves. It became possible to choose human or elf when creating a new character. In addition a quest was added enabling existing characters to set aside their humanity and become elven. The Heritage Quest. You will need, to complete some parts of the quest, 20 raw fish steaks and a pitcher of water. It is a wise would-be elf who has these things to hand before commencing the quest. The quest begins, and ends, with Darius the Wise. You will find him in the Lycaeum in Moonglow, which is the far Northwest […]

Ultima Online


Distilling is part of the Rustic Theme Pack, introduced June 2011. Building the Distillery To commence your alcoholic career you must first build your distillery. You will need: 2 Metal Kegs – crafted by a blacksmith with a minimum of 85 skill and using 25 ingots per keg 4 Heating Stands – crafted by a tinker with a minimum of 60 skill and using 4 ingots per stand 1 copper wire – these spawn in 3 locations per facet: Buccaneer’s Den Smithy. Two barrels in which smith items spawn roughly every 20 minutes. No stealing skill required. These barrels begin […]

Ultima Online

Daily Rares

These are semi-rare items which spawn each day at server up. They are often found listed with stealable items, but this is misleading as stealing skill is not required to obtain them, merely to be first to reach them after the server’s daily maintenence. Felucca and Trammel Buccaneer’s Den Rocks Buccaneer’s Den Empty Basket (eat the fruit) Yew Farm Fruit Basket Papua Rock Closed Barrel Deceit level 1 Closed Barrel Deceit level 2 Tall Candle Covetous level 3 Felucca Only Ocllo Full Jars Khaldun Hay Ilshenar Kirin Passage Broken Chair Malas meat pie Sea Market Seaweed

Ultima Online

Resurrection in Ilshenar

Dying in Ilshenar is decidely inconvenient, the almost complete absence of wandering healers make the task of resurrection problematical. There is, of course, an ankh at each of the facet’s moongates, but there are also several other options for those who know where to look. Each of these options are marked in blue on the Ilshenar Locations map, but how will you recognise them when you find them? Flowstone An oddly colored flowstone surrounded by glowing runes is found between Humility and Honor gates and close to one of the entrances to Ankh dungeon. 58.58N 51.19W Fountain of Life Guarding […]