Crafter Quests – Blacksmith

Wiki > Ultima Online Wiki > Gameplay > Quests > Crafter Quests - Blacksmith

Blacksmith quests can be obtained from Lohn, Olla, Anolly or Uneolil in Heartwood or Danael in Sanctuary
Recipes from these quests will allow you to make Craftable Magic Weapons. Rare recipes will allow you to make Craftable Artifacts

The Runic Carving Knife recipe is obtained from Tinker quests.

Bone Machete:

The quest chain which begins with ‘Vile Poison’ from Jamal the Fisherman outside Blighted Grove teaches the quester how to make the bone machete needed to enter the grove. Only a blacksmith can learn this from Jamal, there is no recipe.




Lohn the Metal Weaver

Quest Name: Dragon Protection
Make: 10 Dragon Helms

Quest Name: Cuts Both Ways
Make: 10 Broadswords

Quest Name: The Bulwark
Make: 10 Heater Shields

Quest Name: Nothing Fancy
Make: 15 Bascinets

Anolly the Bark Weaver

Quest Name: Nothing Fancy
Make: 15 Bascinets

Olla the Metal Weaver

Quest Name: Dragon Protection
Make: 10 Dragon Helms
Quest Name: Cuts Both Ways
Make: 10 Broadswords

Quest Name: The Bulwark
Make: 10 Heater Shields

Quest Name: Nothing Fancy
Make: 15 Bascinets

Unoelil the Bark Weaver

Quest Name: Nothing Fancy
Make: 15 Bascinets

Danael the Metal Weaver

Quest Name: Instrument of War
Make: 10 Broadswords
Quest Name: Nothing Fancy
Make: 10 Bascinets

Quest Name: The Shield
Make: 10 Heater Shields