The Herald

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Counterfeit Commodities


Missed out on last year’s egg frenzy? No worries! Trader Sam has got your back! Thanks to a well timed botanical coincidence and a fortunate stroke of rabbit luck, you too can own your very own curiously adorned eggs! Have too many? Visit one of Trader Sam’s staff conveniently located in the Britain Commons to get your, 100%, completely legitimate, never been used decorations and equipment today! Act now, supplies are limited!

The Counterfeit Commodities Champ spawn can be found in the Savage Village in Ilshenar.  Beginning server up on April 1, 2023  Vorpal Bunnies will have a chance to drop Curiously Adorned Eggs.  Beginning April 3, 2023 at 12:00 PM ET Curiously Adorned Eggs can be traded for rewards at the Britain Commons.  Points from Counterfeit Commodities expire June 1, 2023 at 11:59 PM.


UO Herald - Special Announcement

Extended Maintenance

Greetings all.

We will be doing  maintenance on all warehouses  at 9 am ET on 3/29/2023  we will be bringing down the log in servers, character transfers, housing, and the in game store.  These will be down for approx. 2 hours at the most.  If anything happens to delay this we will let you guys know as soon as possible.

Thank you,

UO Team

Update:  Maintenance has been extended.  We will provide additional updates as soon as possible.

Update:  Maintenance has been completed and services restored.

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Extended Maintenance

Greetings all,

Please be advised of the upcoming maintenance cycle for Balhae, Sakura, Izumo, and Yamato shards beginning 2:00 PM Tuesday, Eastern Time / 4:00 AM Wednesday, Tokyo Time. We expect the maintenance period to last approximately 6 hours.

Thank you for your patience.

Uo Team


Ultima Online

Auction Safe Update

Greetings all,

You can expect to see the following change after your normal maintenance cycle starting this afternoon.

  • Auctions with an one hour duration can no longer be set to auto renew.

Thank you!

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

UO Forum Access

Greetings everyone,

I wanted to let you guys know we are aware of the issues with logging into the UO forums.  The temporary  work around is to use Firefox.  Now that the EA Store is functioning and you are able to  buy codes again we will dedicate our efforts to fixing the forums.

Thank you!

UO Team



UO Herald - Special Announcement

Extended Maintenance

Greetings everyone,

We are preforming extended maintenance on the following shards: Arirang, Wakoku, Formosa, Hokuto, Asuka, and Mizhuo.  This will begin at 6 pm EST and will extend for approx 7 hours.

We thank you for your patience.

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Pacific and Formosa are down

Good morning all,

We are aware that Pacific and Formosa are down and are working on getting those back up.  We are also aware of the issue of not being able to transfer on or off several shards.  We will keep you update on the progress of fixing this issue.


UO Team


UO Herald - Special Announcement

Vendor Search Maintenance

Greetings Everyone,

To fix an issue with Vendor Search it will be taking down this warehouse in the next 30 minutes so we can do maintenance on this tool.  Vendor Search will be active again on your shards after your normal maintenance tomorrow.

Thank you

UO Team

Publish 115 World Wide



We are pleased to announce Publish 115 has been released World Wide.  Keep an eye on for when Valentine’s Day Gifts and our next event, Counterfeit Commodities will go live.  Please check out the publish notes for full release details.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team