The Herald

UO Herald - Hotfix

Europa Hardware Issues

Update :

Europa will have an extended maintenance Tuesday March 24th and will be down from 11pm to 2am EST to resolve the hardware issue.

Thanks Everyone!

Greetings Everyone,

We wanted to keep all the player up to date with the issues we are having on Europa.  We have found another hardware storage issue that we are working with Amazon to resolve.  The backup process is taking longer than intended which is resulting in loss time after server maintenance.  We will keep you informed of our progress with this issue.

Thank you once again for your patience.

UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix

Taking Europa Down


We have discovered another issue with the backup process on Europa .  We are restarting Europa now and it should return by 12:15 pm ET at the latest.  Thank you for the patience while we fix this issue.

UO Team

UO Herald - Hotfix


Greetings Everyone,

The problem that caused Europa not to return after their normal maintenance is currently resolved.  We appreciate your patience during this down time.

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Answers and Changes

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone!!!

I wanted to address a few things from Stratics regarding IDOCs. I would also like to tell you about a few changes we are going to make. Currently in game, once a house goes into IDOC we had stated it would drop on the 5, 10, or 15th hour instead of 20. What was not said is it had to wait for a decay tick after those times. I will take blame for the miscommunication on this fact. We are fixing it so it will not wait for the decay tick and it will fall on the 5, 10, or 15th hour.

The Grubbers that appear when a IDOC house falls will lose all their items in their packs when they cross a server line. We have no plans to change the wiping of the co-owner or friends list. The owner of the house has the ability to re-add them at any time.
We hope this answers some of the questions and concerns we have been seeing.

Changes we are making…

  • We are fixing the gold pick up at champ spawns so there is not any delay.
  • We are fixing players being able to get their house back even in the IDOC state. You must renew your account at least 2 hours before it drops or it will not be given back to you. (Until this fix is published you can if you renew your account and your house is not being returned to you, list the shard, and house location and name when you email me. I do not need you there to make it do a warehouse check for an active account.

You should see these changes within the next few weeks when we publish out our items for Easter.
Have a safe evening!

UO Team

UO Herald - Community

How to Contact the Player Event Coordinator (PEC)

Happy Friday Everyone,

We have had several of our players use the PEC already and they seem to be enjoying enhancing their events with her help.  For those that do not know how to contact the PEC, you can email her at or yo ucan leave a message at the small house by the Event Moderator hall near Blackthorn’s Bridge in Britian.  You are also welcome to leave a message for her on the bulletin board if you like.

All player events that she assists with will be advertised on Facebook and pictures of the event taken and posted by Wraith.  If you do not wish for her to do this please make sure you tell her in advance.

Have a great weekend,


UO Herald - Hotfix

Extended Downtime on Japanese Shards






Greetings Everyone,

Today during the normal maintenance cycle Yamato, Izumo an Wakoku will have an extended down time of approx. 2 hours. We will be doing maintenance in the near future on all shards to cut down on maintenance times.

Thank you,

UO Team

Publish 89 Worldwide

Good afternoon everyone,

We will be releasing a new client and Publish 89 to European shards this evening and all North American shards during the regular morning maintenance cycles.

IDOC Housing changes

The changes we have made are to IDOC houses. Below are the details of the changes we have made:

  • When a house goes into the condemned stage the house will go private and all access will be removed.
  • Trial accounts will no longer be able to pick up loot from an IDOC house
  • When the house drops Grubbers will spawn with some of the house loot in their packs, you will have to chase them down to get the loot they have.
  • After a house is in the IDOC stage the timers are no longer random, it will drop at either 5, 10, or 15 hours, with the exception of houses with rental vendors. Houses with rental vendors will become OSI owned and have to go through a cycle for the second time to notify vendor owners.

Bug Fixes

  • The Demon Slayer property will be properly applied to the Scepter of Pride.
  • Using Spirit Speak will no longer interrupt the Inspire bard song.
  • Owner bound items will no longer bind when placed on mannequins, stewards, or vendors.
  • Blessed quivers and wing armor can no longer be obtained on abyss ruleset shards. Existing blessed quivers and wing armor will lose their blessed status.
  • The drop rates for some of the Prism of Light keys has been increased.
  • Players can no longer recall out of Blackthorn’s Dungeon in Felucca.
  • Runes marked in the “Cat’s Lair” in Britain will be properly named when created.
  • Dupre’s Shield can now be dyed using a metal dye tub.
  • Several TIDs erroneously containing the article “a” have been fixed.
  • Obsidian statues will no longer require 11 obsidian fragments to create.
  • Runes marked near the Yomotsu Mines will be properly labeled.
  • Runes marked near the New Haven Mines will be properly labeled.
  • Blessed items that were previously equipped will be re-equipped when a player double clicks on their corpse.
  • City Trade deals now have an auto-renew option that can allow Governors to auto-renew a trade deal so long as funds are available.
  • The size of the election gump has been increased to accommodate long names.
  • The end date and time has been added to city stones for nomination and election periods.
  • The number of mobs spawning in Moonglow Bay has been reduced.
  • Vanilla seeds can now be obtained from Juka Mages, Plague Beasts, and Kappa.
  • The Bascinet and Kamishimo have been added to the list of Blackthorn Artifacts.
  • New Magincia Gardeners will sell Gardening Contracts that will allow a New Magincia Gardening plant to be maintenance free for 2 weeks. Plants will require care after the first server maintenance following the expiration date listed on the plant. Gardening contracts can be used on a plant once every other month.
  • Impassable objects placed near the Chaos Shrine in Felucca will be placed in the nearby barrel. The barrel’s contents are deleted after five minutes or when the barrel becomes full.
  • Academic bookcases can now be engraved using a wooden container engraving tool.
  • Fixed an area where players could become stuck in the Trinsic area of Blackthorn’s Dungeon.
  • The spelling of Britannia has been corrected on the “Bank of Britannia: Trinsic Branch” sign. This will occur after two maintenance cycles.
  • Paralyzation can no longer be negated with stoneform boots.
  • The inaccessible pumpkin patch in T2A near the City of the Dead has been removed from Halloween pumpkin spawn.
  • Fixed issue where Grizelda the Hag was not awarding items with the correct magical properties.
  • Vice vs Virtue pets can now be resurrected without having prerequisite veterinary or animal taming skills.
  • Phoenix armor deeds must now be in the player’s backpack to redeem them.
  • A shield can now be equipped with use of the Bracers of Alchemical Devastation.
  • Vice vs Virtue match points for kills has been increased from 25 to 100 per kill, Vice vs Virtue occupation match points has been decreased from 50 to 20 per second of occupation.
  • When reagents from the Blessed Statue are removed and dropped into a stack of similar reagents the statue will now update its art to the empty version.
  • SA item properties correctly spawn on loot located in champ spawn areas.
  • Pets/mobs no longer follow attackable players when stealth.
  • Players may no longer charm changelings regardless of the mobs current form.
  • Engraving tools must now be in a player’s backpack to be used for engraving.
  • Engraving tools may not be used on items that are currently contained in a dungeon container or a town container.
  • Added silver bracelets, silver rings and crooks to the cleanup Britannia system.
  • Players may no longer use Tokuno dyes, Haochi dyes or natural dyes on the Virtuoso suit.
  • Re-forged ranged weapons will now have the proper Defense Chance Increase and Hit Chance Increase item property applied.
  • New loot system ranged weapons will now have the proper Defense Chance Increase and Hit Chance Increase item property applied.

World Building

  • Docks have been added to the city of Yew, west of the Yew Mill.
  • Docks have been added to the City of Minoc, north of the Stables.

Client Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Classic client crash when player attempts to view Bleed special move page.
  • Improved Enhanced client container performance.
  • Corrected alignment issues related to the Enhanced client version of the holiday box gumps.
  • Enhanced Client characters can once again read the profile of other characters.
  • Fixed issue where several quest books displayed as the Crystal Portal in the Enhanced client.
  • Setting targeting options now work for newly created spell stones.
  • Skill timers are no longer triggered by outside sources in the Enhanced Client.
  • All clients now follow server restriction for maximum amount of updatable health bars allowed. Enhanced client mobiles on screen list limit settings have been removed. The enhanced client is limited to 10 draggable health bars excluding pets and party members. Mobiles on screen list is capped at a pool 20 and health bars that are dragged will be removed from this pool. Invulnerable mobs only display under the invulnerable list and don’t count towards the mobiles on screen cap.
  • Known items with charges now display proper amount within containers.
  • Resolved an issue when the Enhanced Client is not the active window it loses connection much faster than it should.
  • Resolved an issue with Ctrl-clicked hot bar icons losing their graphics for items that are in the players’s backpack.

UO Herald - Hotfix

West Coast Shards Down

All shards are now up and running.  Thank you for your patience with us while we corrected this problem.


Good morning,

We are having some technical issues with the cloud servers, which is the reason why the West Coast shards are currently down.  We hope to have this issue resolved and shards back up in approx.2.5 hours.

Thank you,
UO Team

UO Herald - Support

New Callback Service Offer

Greetings everyone,

In an effort to increase the quality of support and streamline assistance for certain account and billing-related issues, Broadsword is now pleased to offer a new phone callback service to help resolve complex account and billing issues.

Please be aware that in-game issues are not part of this new initiative. Our Support team will attempt to resolve all account and billing-related issues via email first. The callback service will only be offered in situations where all attempts to resolve the issue via email have been exhausted. Our aim is to lessen the amount of back and forth sometimes required to reduce the total resolution time of complex, account and billing-related issues.

Tentatively, the Customer Support Team will be able to make callbacks between the hours of *12PM – 12AM EST* (noon – midnight) or *5PM – 5AM GMT*. Please keep that timeframe in mind when coordinating with the Support Team to setup a callback.

At this time, callbacks will only be offered in English.

Thank you,
UO Team