The Herald

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Publish 96 comes to Origin, Izumo & Baja

Greetings Everyone,

Beginning with Izumo tonight, Origin, Izumo & Baja will receive Publish 96 during their regular maintenance cycles.  Publish 96 is full of new and exciting features, bug fixes, and new content so make sure you check out the full patch notes here and send us any feedback you have here.  Please continue to send in feedback as we look forward to a tentative World Wide release Thursday, February 9, 2017.

The latest client patch and are mandatory, so please make sure you update your UO client before trying to login.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Publish 96 Update to TC1

Greetings Everyone,

By approximately 6:00pm ET 1/24/2017 we will be pushing an update of Publish 96 to TC1.  Publish 96 is full of new and exciting features, bug fixes, and new content so make sure you check out the full patch notes here and send us any feedback you have here.  Please continue to send in feedback, especially on the new Doom artifact properties as we look forward to an Origin, Izumo, and Baja release this Thursday.

In addition to the server side changes based on feedback and bug reports, we will be putting out a new client to resolve the following issues:

  • Fixed an issue where approaching names would not display properly in the Classic Client.
  • Resolved a crash in the Classic Client when selecting a full screen resolution that is less than the gameplay window size.
  • Resolved an issue where some block tiles were not the correct height, which could cause collision and rubber banding issues.
  • Fixed issue where the evening gown was not displaying the correct gump art.
  • The circle of transparency is now centered when game window size is changed.
  • We are working to resolve the issue with new gameplay window sizes when using Korean language support in a future publish.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Ultima Online

Izumo’s Meet and Greet


Due to a few of the team members being out of the office on Monday we have to postpone the meet and greet scheduled for January 23, 2017 @ 9 am ET and reschedule it to January 30, 2017 @ 9 am ET.   Meet you there and we look forward to answering all your questions.


Publish 96 Comes to TC1

Greetings Everyone,

By approximately 2:00pm ET 1/19/2017 we will be pushing the first full release of Publish 96 to TC1.  Publish 96 is full of new and exciting features, bug fixes, and new content so make sure you check out the full patch notes here and send us any feedback you have here.  As always we will continue to update based on feedback through the TC1 and Origin, Izumo, and Baja.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

UO Herald - Special Announcement

Oceania Revert

Good evening everyone,

Today the issue that Oceania was not saving was fixed today which resulted in a 2 day revert.  We appreciate the players reporting this and thank you everyone for your patience while we took care of this problem.

UO Team



UO Herald - Special Announcement

Meet and Greet schedule for January

Greetings All,

The Meet and Greet schedule is as follows for January, meeting in the Lord Blackthorn castle,  January 9th. 2017 @ 7 pm ET  on Chesapeake shard and January 23, 2017 @ 9 am ET on Izumo shard.  Meet you there and we look forward to meeting with everyone.

UO Team


UO Herald - Special Announcement

Lake Superior is back up

Greetings All,

Due to a crash that occurred on Lake Superior at 12 pm 12/23/2016 we have had to revert the shard to a 3 am backup.  This crash occurred due to a corrupted item on the shard which has now been deleted.

Thank you for your patience while we resolved this issue.

UO Team


UO Herald - Special Announcement

Combat Changes in Testing

Greetings all,

We want to start off by saying that we appreciate all your patience and feedback as we work through the combat updates on Test Center. This process has been different than our normal testing cycle and we appreciate all who have participated. These changes will not be deployed World Wide for quite some time and are subject to change. We have used this process to gauge player suggestions and iterate quickly on those ideas. Some ideas have been well received while others have not. We would like to let you where we currently stand in the process.

  • Removing the Tactics requirements on weapon special moves. This change brings more diversity to template selection by removing the skill points required to execute weapon special moves. It is our philosophy that skill investment is a necessary tradeoff to reap derived skill benefits. As such, Tactics should be a requirement for the use of weapon special moves just like Animal Lore is required to control tamed pets and Chivalry is required to use paladin abilities. The current change is a compromise which allows access to weapon special moves at 30 Tactics and 30 Weapon Skill for primary moves and 60 Tactics and 60 Weapon Skill for secondary moves.


  • Weapon swing speed is now capped at 40% of base swing speed or 1.25 seconds, whichever is higher. The current Stamina cap is 250 and the current Swing Speed Increase cap is 60 which allows 4.25s and below weapons to swing at 1.25s. This change brings more balance, only allowing 3.5s and below weapons to reach 1.25s, which adds more value to those weapons besides weapon special moves. Out of all the suggested changes this one has the biggest impact on combat which is why we are cautious with moving forward and will require additional player feedback.


  • Focus Spec Update. Focus Spec has been through several iterations on Test Center. When Focus Spec was created back in Publish 71, the intent was to incentivize pure magic templates. With the testing of different implementations of Focus Spec, we decided to remove the SDI scaling due to the complexity of the system. We will continue to consider ways to simplify the classification of pure magic templates while providing a benefit to pure magic users in future testing.


  • Saving Throw has been removed and reworked as Warrior’s Gifts. Our goal here is to improve this mastery so that it has more of an impact on player combat. Saving Throw has only affected PvP and we want to add value to this mastery so that it can be a benefit to all players.


We want to reiterate the fact that this process has been different than our normal testing cycle and none of these changes are set in stone.  We will continue to monitor feedback and iterate to achieve the best possible outcome.  When providing feedback it is important to us that you provide some context for why you are providing that feedback.

See you in Britannia,

UO Team

Combat & Doom Artifacts Update to Test Center

Greetings All,

We have updated TC1 based on the latest player feedback as of today 12/14/2016. These changes are currently active on TC1.  These will not be deployed World Wide for quite some time and are subject to change. We wanted to give everyone interested a time to provide feedback, so head on over to TC1 and check them out!

Here are a few of the updates:

  • Weapon swing speed is now capped at 40% of base swing speed or 1.25 seconds, whichever is higher.
  • Focus Spec no longer modifies the SDI cap
  • Doom Upgrade artifacts available
  • You can read all about the changes here.

Don’t forget to send us your feedback here.

See you in Britannia,
UO Team

Combat Update to Test Center

Greetings All,

We have updated TC1 based on the latest player feedback as of today 12/13/2016. These changes are currently active on TC1.  These will not be deployed World Wide for quite some time and are subject to change. We wanted to give everyone interested a time to provide feedback, so head on over to TC1 and check them out!

Here are a few of the updates:

  • Increased the SDI cap for non-focus spec templates.
  • Focus Spec rework.
  • Splintering weapon proc no longer triggers when performing Disarm.
  • Supernova potions now activate after a one second delay at the use location.
  • You can read all about the changes here.

Don’t forget to send us your feedback here.

See you in Britannia,
UO Team