Publish 96 Update to TC1
Greetings Everyone,
By approximately 6:00pm ET 1/24/2017 we will be pushing an update of Publish 96 to TC1. Publish 96 is full of new and exciting features, bug fixes, and new content so make sure you check out the full patch notes here and send us any feedback you have here. Please continue to send in feedback, especially on the new Doom artifact properties as we look forward to an Origin, Izumo, and Baja release this Thursday.
In addition to the server side changes based on feedback and bug reports, we will be putting out a new client to resolve the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where approaching names would not display properly in the Classic Client.
- Resolved a crash in the Classic Client when selecting a full screen resolution that is less than the gameplay window size.
- Resolved an issue where some block tiles were not the correct height, which could cause collision and rubber banding issues.
- Fixed issue where the evening gown was not displaying the correct gump art.
- The circle of transparency is now centered when game window size is changed.
- We are working to resolve the issue with new gameplay window sizes when using Korean language support in a future publish.
See you in Britannia,
UO Team